Wanda Maximoff

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Wanda's POV

I awoke to a ray of sun poking through the white satin curtains. I ruffled in my grey sheets, feeling so warm and cozy, not wanting to move. I turned my self over to look at the alarm clock on my nightstand.

The time was 7:30 am. I groaned, I never really slept in. It was a hard thing for me to do. I don't know why, I could fall asleep fine but sleeping in, wasn't my thing. While I was working for Hydra, they didn't let you sleep in. So that's were I'm guessing this curse comes from.

I got out of bed and hoped into the shower. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I went to my dresser, I picked out a blue long sleeve, Black tights that showed off my curves and brown boots. I put my hair in a high ponytail and walked to the kitchen. When I entered I saw Sam and Steve sitting at the table. Coffee in their hands.
"Good morning Wanda." Steve said
"Morning captain, morning Sam." I said walking past Sam and hitting his arm playfully. Causing us both to smile.

After the events of Ultron the Avengers took me and my Pietro in. I was so nervous and scared to be here. But there was Sam, he came to me and me feel the most comfortable. After living here for 8 months. I think of him as another brother. He's even told me, he thinks of me as a sister.
"Have you guys seen Pietro this morning." I asked now making my self a cup of coffee. My back was towards them.
"Sorry I haven't seen him this morning." Steve said.
"Same here." Sam said with an apologetic tone.
I turned to face them now, holding my cup of coffee. I took a sip.
"That's ok, he's probably out for a run any ways." I looked out the window behind Sam and Steve.
"Just look outside." They both turned their heads.
"It's so beautiful, the sun lighting up the sky, but as it also makes the grass shimmer in beauty." I took another sip of coffee.
"That almost sounded poetic." Sam chuckled, turning back to face me.
"Ah you two, I've been wondering where you guys were." Tony said now entering the kitchen.
"What did you need Tony." Steve asked.
"Oh...there's some new recruits, I need you to give them a run down."
"You can't do that Tony? I said sarcastically and grinning at him.
"Oh. I would love to, but I've got important shit to deal with." He said sarcastically as well
I giggled taking another sip of coffee. Steve and Sam where now getting up from the table and leaving the room.
"Have fun you two, don't be idiots."
"No promises." Sam snapped back
I just giggled.
"Hey Tony, by any chance have you seen Pietro." I asked a little worried. He usually was in the kitchen at 8:00 am making coffee.
"Yes, I did see him. He left at around 7:30 for a run."
"Why'd he leave so late?"
"I asked the same thing." Tony said
"And?" I asked annoyed. That's something Tony would always do to me. Make me wait to get my answer. I would always have to ask another question. Just so it would be dramatic.
"He said. I slept in." He chuckled and left the room. I was relived to hear that. He always goes for a run around 7 and comes back at 8. Knowing he slept in. Calmed me down and relaxed my body. I finished my coffee. I walked into the common room and saw Thor sitting on the couch watching the news.
"Hey, Thor" He perked up and looked at me.
"Ah Wanda, good morning to you as well." He said with a smile on his face. He then went back to looking at the tv. I continued to walk, till I made it to the training room. I saw Nat in there just destroying a punching bag.
"One more punch and it's gonna break." I giggled out. She laughed breathless.
"Your awake finally, I've been up since 6. Looks like you slept in." She said as she unwrapped her hands covered in cloth.
"Ya, i guess I did." I laughed under my breath.
"Hey.. I'm hungry let's get something to eat." She said while grabbing my hand.
"Ya, I could eat." I said to her. A smile on my face. Nat looked in the fridge and saw nothing.
"There is nothing in here." She said giggling
"We should go out than." I insisted
She nodded her head in agreement.
"That sounds great." A smile on her face.
"Just give me like 10 minutes. I'm a little gross."
"Go right a head." I said
I just waited in the lobby, 10 minutes later she came in.
"Shall we go." I said
"You lead the way." Nat said, giggles escaping both our lips.
"Where are you two going." We turned around and saw Tony standing there.
"I thought you were doing important shit." I said smirking
"I'm multitasking, you should try it." He smirked back
"Where just going out to eat. A little date." Nat told him
"We have food here." He insisted
"No, we don't Tony, now if you would excuse us." Nat said, she grabbed my hand and we walked through the doors.
"Nice." I said shooting her thumbs two thumbs up.
She smiled
We got into her car and drove. We stopped at McDonald's.
"Where going to McDonald's." I said in disbelief
"What I needed to treat my self with food that's terrible for my body." She laughed.
I laughed. "Ya, I think I deserve a treat as well. I haven't done anything. But I still deserve something." That caused us to go into utter laughter for 5 minutes straight. We ordered our food and ate in the parking lot.
"I think we should head back." As I was eating the last part of my hash brown.
"Ya, we've been gone for an hour, there probably worried." Nat said sarcastically. We burst into laughter again. The avengers knew we could handle our selves pretty good. Nat started the car and we drove back to the compound. We walked inside, I placed my purse down on the counter and walked into the living room. Sitting on the corner of the couch. Was a boy, with brown hair and Hazel eyes you could get lost in. He sat there staring at me as I stared at him. Our eyes meeting immediately. My stomach filled up with butterflies instantly. I had never felt like this before. He was so handsome.

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