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One month later
Wanda's POV
This last month I haven't really left my room. I can't stop thinking of the worst things that would happen to Sam and Steve. I just want them to be safe, knowing that Bucky can transform into the winter solider and won't hesitate to kill. Scares the shit out of me. Peter would bring me food and cuddle with me and watch movies. Pietro came In quite a bit to, more than Peter actually. Everyone knew that I needed time alone, But they also wanted me to get out into the world. During this month, there was a mission and Banner transformed into the hulk and disappeared in a quinjet. It was déjà Vu again. Loosing another avenger to a rouge quinjet. It was hard for me to even get out of bed in the morning, I needed Sam's hug, I needed to see his face again. I heard my phone buzz and I was getting a call from Tony.
"Hey Tony." I sighed
"Hey Wanda, I have some good news for you. Sam and Steve are here in the hanger."
"Yes. Come on down."
I hang up the phone and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I jumped out of bed and ripped open my door. I ran down the hanger and saw Sam standing there.
"Sam!" I yelled in excitement. I ran to him and jumped in his arms. He wrapped me in a loving hug and I started crying so much.
"Wanda." Sam sighed.
"Sam I missed you so much." I cried
Everyone else left the hanger leaving me and Sam. I didn't want to leave the hug.
"Wanda I need to tell you something." Sam said. He pulled away from the hug and grabbed my shoulders.
"What's wrong?" I asked, he wiped away my tears with his sleeve.
"We didn't find Bucky, We are gonna keep looking. But I think he's gone forever Wanda. I'm sorry." I could feel more tears in my eyes. Sam pulled me back into a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for making your shirt wet."
He chuckled softly. "It's all good." We moved back inside the compound and sat on the couch. Peter walked in the living room, I held out my hand and he grabbed it. He took a seat next to me. Everyone else filed in and took seats or just stood around. Steve stood in front of all us.
"As you all should know, Bucky did go missing. Me and Sam searches for him for a month straight. Where ever he is, He doesn't want to be found." I could see the pain and hurt in Steve's eyes. It wasn't like Bucky just to run off and do something like this, Him and Steve were so close.
"Me and Sam will continue to search for him." Steve said.
"We will also be looking for Bruce as well." Tony budded in. We all nodded our heads.
"Just to let you know. There is a mission I need Wanda, Pietro, Nat and Clint on this mission. You live in 15 minutes." Tony added. I stood up and went to my room and changed into my suit. I entered the quinjet and Tony gave us a run down.
"Mercenaries took over a boat, You need to stop him and kill anyone on board."
"Ok." Nat said. We got into the jet and I took a seat by Pietro.
"Are you sure your up for this?" Pietro asked
"Yes And no, I need to let out hanger though." I giggled. Pietro chuckled and grabbed my hand. We each grabbed a parachute and jumped out of the jet. I landed second after Nat.
"I got engine room, Everyone else kill anyone in sight." Nat said. I nodded my head, Pietro took off, I ran down a flight of stairs. Blasting two guys down the stairs. I heard the sound of a door opening, I used my power to turn my self invisible. I grabbed his shirt collar and threw him across the room.
"What the hell was that?" The man yelled, Two more men appeared.
"What Happened Troy?" One asked
"Something threw me across the room." I could here the disbelief in his voice. The two men started laughing. I moved in front of them and kicked the guns out their hands.
"What The fu..." I punched him the face before he finished speaking. The one guy started shoooting, I made a force field with my hands to block the bullets. One managed to hit me in the stomach. I screamed out in pain. I ducked behind a desk, I could hear 3 more men enter. They continued to shoot non stop, debris was falling everywhere. I could glass shattering. I continued to scream holding my hands over my ears. I was having déjà vu of the one time with Pietro when we were kids. Suddenly the gun shots stop, I peeked my head from around the desk and there was another table leaning against the desk. I stood up and I saw Pietro standing there, There were bullet holes all over his body. He fell to the ground.
"PIETRO NO!" I cried out. I fell to his side and held is body.
"No, no stay with me, Don't Leave me. Pietro stay with me. PIETRO DONT LEAVE ME. I...I need you." I was bawling my eyes out. He gave me one last smile and his eyes fluttered shut.
"NOOOOOOO! Pietro don't go. I love you. Stay with me." I cried. His chest stopped moving and I cradled his head. I felt all this energy inside of me. I screamed out In pain, My powers shaking the whole boat, shattering every window. I caressed his face.
"Pietro...p...please Don't leave me."
Nat and Clint came running in.
"Wanda what's..." Nat came to my side and she started crying.
"I'm sorry Wanda." Nat said. "But we have to go now."
"I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!" I yelled out.
"I'll get him." Clint said, He picked up his body and the jet landed on the boat. We walked in and I was crying so much. I couldn't breathe, I felt like my heart was ripped out of chest. I cried the whole way home. We landed and I didn't move from my seat.

Peter's POV
I was chilling in the living room watching soccer, doing homework. When I heard the sound of the hanger doors opening. I stood up, I saw Nat and Clint enter. They both looked super sad. I didn't know what happened, But I didn't see Wanda. I felt my stomach go sick.
"Nat where's Wanda?"
"The jet."
I ran to the jet and saw her sitting on the chair. Her head in her hands, Crying. I ran to her and dropped to my knees.
"Wanda hey it's me, It's Peter." She looked at me, Her eyes puffy and red.
"Peter." She cried. I wrapped her in a hug.
"Pietro...he's dead." She gasped out. I felt my whole stomach sink into my feet, I knew this was gonna be so hard on her.
"I'm sorry Wanda." I began crying to. I wanted to become closer with Pietro. I called him a friend.

A week later
Wanda's POV
I was the last one outside after the funeral. I slowly walked over to the grave stone, Placing a flower on top. I kneeled down and rested my head on the gravestone.
"Thank you Pietro, I will love you forever." I started crying again. I felt a hand on my back and I knew it was Peter. He helped me to my feet and wrapped me in a hug.
"He was the best brother ever." I smiled at that thought, he was always their for me, always cared for me. He never failed to make me laugh and protected me no matter what. I cried onto Peter's shoulder as rain began to fall.

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