Peter Parker

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Peter POV
I was walking back to the apartment. I just went dumpster diving after school and found a DVD player. I got my keys and opened the door.
"Hey May." I said while I placed the DVD player on the table. I walked into the kitchen
"There's this sick car outsid.." I turned and saw Tony Stark sitting on my couch with May.
"Wh..wh...What you doing here." I said in complete shock.
"I'm here about the internship you applied for."
"What internship?" May asked intrigued
"Well.. I know how much you love surprises. So...surprise." I said flashing a smile
"I can not believe that this is someone's aunt and her date loaf is amazing." He said taking a bite of the date loaf
"Well they come in all shapes and sizes." May said giggling
"Does this internship got, like money involved." I said
"Ya..its pretty well funded, look at who your talking to....Can I get like 10 minutes with him."
"Ya sure." May said nodding her hand
We walked into my room and Tony immediately spit out the date loaf.
"As far as date loafs go, not that bad." He said
"Okay I did not apply for any internship." I began
"Ok. Shh my turn to talk."
"Ok."I whispered out. I said now standing by my desk.
He then flipped out a phone and showed a video of spider-man catching a bus.
"This is you, right?" Tony said flashing me grin.
"No, that was on the internet. People can just edit stuff like that." I said. "You know what, Mr stark, I was having a good day. I had an algebra test and I nailed it."
"Um..ya sure." He slurred out. He then used a stick and poked at a trapdoor in the ceiling and my suit fell." I ran and grabbed it. I quickly put in my laundry basket. Tony shot me a grin.
"So..your the spider ling, spider boy." He said looking at me.
"Spider-Man." I whispered out
"Well your not a man in that." He said cocky
"Your in dire need of a upgrade. This is a one time offer. Come to the compound and work for the avengers."
I couldn't believe what he was saying. "You want me to go the compound and work for you."
"Yes and you would also help on missions."
"No flipping way." I said with much glee in my voice.
"Also you would be living there, but you could visit your weirdly attractive aunt. When ever you feel like it. What do you say?"
", I'm honoured but I can't just leave. I..I have homework." I stuttered out
"I'm going to forget you just said that! You would still go to school. You would just live there."
"Okay fine I'll go. But don't tell May I'm Spider-Man." I was Very worried. May had no idea that I had powers. She would flip out if she would find out.
"I won't, Spider-Man." He said. I smiled.
We walked out of the room.
"Peter as agreed to live at the avengers compound and work for me as an inter. He starts on Monday after school." Tony said.
"Good-bye." He shut the door and left. Her faces went into a frown and she looked at me.
"May, I think it would be good for me to go." I stated. She walked over to me and moved the hair out of my face
"Okay, Peter. I trust you and I want you to be happy." She smiled
"Tony said I can visit you anytime."
"Okay well, let's get you packed. Than."
"May your fure sure ok with this." She smiled
"Yes very. I get to brag to my friends that my nephew works for Tony Stark. We both laughed. Monday was only a a half day, so o got to be there extra early.
Monday rolled around. I Finished school, Toady was a half day. When I walked outside the school. There was car waiting for me.
"Peter Parker." A man said
"Ya that's me." I said a little worried
"Get in." I hesitated but then opened the door. The person was in a black suit.
"I'm Happy Hogan. I will be at any service you need me to do."
"So I'm guessing Tony sent you." I said smug
"Yes, He did. Now put your seatbelt on."
"What about my bags." I asked looking in the back seat.
"I took care of them this morning. There all already at the Compound."
"Thank you."
We drove in silence the whole way there. We entered the Compound. Everyone's eyes fell on me. Agents were everywhere. I saw Tony walk towards us.
"Hello Peter."
"Hi, Mr.Stark." I stumbled out. I was very nervous.
"Come have a seat, I need to go deal with some shit." He said walking away.
An agent lead me to a couch and I sat in the corner. Twiddling my thumbs. I heard a noise so I looked up and saw a red head standing there. Her beautiful blue eyes meeting mine. I got lost in them. I looked at her body. I could see her curves through the clothing she was wearing. She was stunning. I was watching her and saw her eyes look me up and down. I felt all my nervousness slip away. I had never felt like this before.

She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life.

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