Get along

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Peter's POV
I watched Wanda leave the room, I could tell she was sad. Everyone looked at me, Tony the most disappointed. I wanted to say something, But I didn't know if Wanda wanted to say something first and calm them all down. So I bit my tongue and stood up. I walked into the kitchen to go catch my breath. Pietro walked in and he looked pissed.
"Hey." I squeaked out. I leaned farther into the island that separated the kitchen from the dining room.
"Did you actually sleep with my sister?" He had a stern look on a face. I knew if I would say yes I would probably die. He kept getting closer, Anger filling his eyes. I shook my head.
"Ya, Sure. Tell me the truth." He sarcastically spoke. He became angrier. I knew I was going to break, I was thinking of where I could run. There was an opening behind me.
"Ya." I whispered. I looked up so I met his eyes, They changed to a look of I'm gonna kill you.
"Shit." I huffed. I took off running into the hallway. I knew he had super speed. He wasn't chasing me, He was winding himself up. Which was even scarier. I ran outside and began booking it down the trail me and Wanda took the other day. I heard the sound of the compound doors opening and my heart stopped beating. I kept running and looked behind me. Until I hit something.
"Ah, Peter What the hell." I heard Wanda say. We were both lying on the ground.
"Shit, Wanda hey. I'm sorry." I helped her to her feet and she dusted her self off.
"What are you doing?" She asked confused and concerned.
"Your brother." I said trying to catch my breath.
"Brother?" She gave me a puzzled look. Just than Pietro ran out and stood 3 feet from us.
"There you are." His eyes Than focused on Wanda and he looked embarrassed.
"Alright what happened." I could tell she was done with us already.
"You slept with him?" Pietro said angrily
"Yes and why is that such a big deal." She hissed.
"I just wanna protect you and this is just unacceptable." He pleaded
"Why Though?" She asked
He just looked down at his feet. I could tell he had no response. He was just trying to be a good big brother. By killing his sisters boyfriend.
"You two. I want you to sit here and Talk out your Problems. I want my Brother and Boyfriend to get along. Please." She looked at me with sad eyes. I knew this was going to be awkward, But I wanted to make her happy and with what went on the other day. I didn't want to disappoint her.
"I will."
"Same here." Pietro said
"Thank you and Don't kill each other. I love you both." She smiled. Me and Pietro sat down on the cold grass. She walked back into the compound and the whole time I just looked at her, Not Pietro. We sat there in awkward silence. Until Pietro piped up.
" long have you guys been dating?"
"Including today 8 days." I smiled.
He looked disgusted at me.
"Man I don't know what your problem is." I said a little bit more angrily than I wanted.
"Your my problem." He said under his breath, But I heard him.
"It's just, I don't trust a lot of people. Hydra messes with your mind. So seeing her with someone I don't really know. It...It just. I want to protect her. Now I feel that job is done, If your in her life." Pietro said, He looked sad and defeated. I could tell he was really hurt by me being in her life. Being a twin, It's your job to protect the other. But know he had to accept that there is another man in her life, Who will protect and love her.
"I want to protect her as much as you, Sam, Nat and everyone else in that compound. I never wanted to take away that from you. I just wanted to make her feel more comfortable, Knowing there's another person that will protect her." I smiled.
He gave a weak smile.
"But she's still my sister. If you do anything to her. Hurt her, Make her cry. Break her heart. I will kill you and I won't hesitate to do it." He scoffed. I was actually quite frightened.
"Yup, Got it." I gave him a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes and stood up. He helped me to my feet.
"This doesn't mean I like you. I'm only doing this for Wanda." Pietro said
I actually wanted to become friends with him. But I needed to act tough and not like an idiot. And not be like. Well we should try to be friends. Like back in pre school. It's bullshit.
"Same here." I huffed. He sped off back inside leaving me alone on the path. I walked back in and Wanda wasn't there anymore. I knew if she wanted to talk she would be sitting on the couch. I wasn't to go find her and force her to talk. Instead I walked into my room, I turned on my tv and started playing Call if Duty with Ned.

Wanda's POV
After I left them on the grass, I had a sense of relief come over me. I really wanted them to get along. They were the most important people to me. I waked back into the compound. Everyone had left the living room and gone to work out or just chill. I walked into the kitchen cause I was feeling snacky. I grabbed my rocky road ice cream from the freezer. When I shut the freezer door. Sam was standing there, Looking sad.
"Shit, Sam. You scared me." I laughed
He let out a little chuckle. "Sorry." I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and sat down at the island. Sam joined me on the other side.
"Can I talk to you." He looked nervous, He knew he messed up about saying that. But I still loved him.
"Of course." I smiled
He sighed.
"I'm so sorry for what I said earlier. That was very wrong of me to say in front of all of them. I messed up big time. I know you probably hate me know. I get it, I would hate myself to." He looked down at the marble that covered the counter. I leaned over and grabbed his hand.
I gave my best forgiveness eyes. He changed his expression from a frown into a slight smile.
"Sam I don't hate you. I would never hate you.
I love you to much for that." We both laughed.
"Ya you messed up, But we all do. Mistakes are made. I'm just glad you apologized." I smiled
"Thank you." He smiled
"It was time anyway, People needed to know we were dating and them knowing that. They wouldn't treat us like children." We both giggled.
We sat there for a bit in silence. I took a bit of my ice cream.
"Can I have some?" Sam asked.
"Ya, Go right ahead." He jumped with glee and I giggled. He grabbed a spoon and we began sharing my rocky road.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked
"Doesn't Peter want to talk with you." Sam asked while he stuffed a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth. I wanted to talk to Peter. But I didn't want to pressure him into talking.
"We can talk later, I want to spend time with my friend. Who's like a brother to me." I giggled.
"Okay." He sighed and smiled. We walked into his room and put on the movie Grown ups. That was our comfort movie. Every time we would be sad, This was the movie we turned to. No matter how many times we watched it . It never fails to make me laugh. Halfway through the movie I went to put my spoon in the container and it just hit the bottom. I looked down and laughed.
"Sam, We ate it all." We both started laughing.
"Damn, That's some good ice cream." He chuckled.
"Ya it's the best. But now I'm sad that it's out." I gave out a weak pout.
"I'll probably go up town tomorrow, I can pick up some for you." Sam said.
"Ya, That would be great. Thanks." I smiled. We finished the movie. Sam had fallen asleep and I didn't want to disturb him. I quietly left his room and walked to the kitchen to drop off the spoons. Standing in the kitchen was Tony angrily speaking to Peter. I began backing away from the door way.
"Get your ass back here." I heard Tony yell. I sighed and shrugged. Knowing that I was actually quite a bit more powerful than Tony. Gave me a boost of confidence.
"Coming." I sighed.

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