Airport Battle

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Wanda's POV
Me and Clint ran up to a little look out area that looked over the whole airport. Sam and Bucky were below us in the place we're you walk to get to your plane. Steve ran out to meet Tony and Rhodey who flew down in front of him. They began talking and Clint turned to me.
"Your for sure okay?"
"Yes, Clint. I'm fine." I said with annoyance in my voice. Just than Peter came out of nowhere and webbed Steve's hand together and took his shield.
"Peter." I whispered in happiness. It was so nice to see him again, even though we would be fighting.
"Alright." We heard Steve say. Steve lifted his arms up and Clint shot an arrow breaking the webbing. Scott than appeared and kicked Peter in the face. Causing me to flinch slightly.
"I believe this is yours Captain America!" Scott said excitedly as he handed his shield back to Steve. Me and Clint took off running and made it down the stair well to the bottom of the building. We were running across the terminal as Tony started shooting at us. I fell down and hugged Clint's legs. He helped me up and Tony flew in front of us.
"Wanda I think you hurt Visions feelings, you pushed him through the floors of the compound. He was not happy." Tony said.
"Well you locked me in my room. I needed a way out." I gave him a smug look.
"It was to protect you." Tony responded. I just looked at him angrily, Like was I suppose to be happy he locked me away.
"Hey Clint, I see retiring didn't work out."
"Well I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss." Clint than shot an arrow beside Tony, Tony blasted it into pieces.
"Well first time for everything." Tony chuckled.
"Made you look." Clint grinned. I than used my powers and started throwing cars out of the parking garage onto Tony. He was trying to blast them but one hit him and made him fall into the ground with a car crushing him. I would be lying to myself if didn't say that felt really good to hit with him with those cars. We started running off until we met up with Steve, Sam, Scott and Bucky. As we were running with everyone, me trailing behind because I'm not as athletic as they are all. Vision appeared and shot a laser into the ground making a line appear, stopping us in our tracks.

Peter's POV
I swung my self up to the building and started running across the glass. Seeing Bucky and Sam running through. I burst through the glass and kicked Sam over. Bucky went to punch me and I stopped it to his surprise. We haven't really trained or fought at all together. So I'm guessing him seeing me stop his metal arm was a big shocker. Sam came out of nowhere and picked me up off the ground and we started to fly off. I webbed myself away as Sam continued to shoot at me. Eventually I landed on a bar and my Peter Tingle kicked in. I moved out of the way before whatever Bucky threw at me hit me. I turned back in time and caught a sign.
He threw a Frickn sign at me. What the heck.
I winded up arm. "Hey Bucky, I think you lost this." I threw the sign back at him, tearing up a pole. Sam kicked me down, but I swung away and shot a web into his wings. He fell into a kisok, glass shattering everywhere. He stood up by a railing and I webbed both his hands down.
"How upset is Wanda?" I asked
"Well I wouldn't say she's happy." Sam sighed. I wanted to go comfort her but I remembered that I still had a job to do. I swung above Sam and attempted to kick him down to the floor below. When Bucky than ran in front him. I kicked them both down and webbed Bucky's metal arm down and webbed Sams hands to his body.
"I'm sorry guys, But I gotta impress Mr Stark." I huffed. I was gonna web them again when red wing picked up my web and swung me out of the building. I screamed as I fell to the ground.
"Ow." I slowly stood up and swung over to meet Tony and the rest of our "so called team"
I was star stuck when I saw Wanda standing only like a few feet in front of me. She was still so beautiful, I really missed her so much.

Wanda's POV

"Captain Rogers, I know what you believe what your doing is right. But for the collective good, please surrender now. Vision said as he floated down to us.
"What do we do now, Cap?" Sam asked
"We fight." We started walking forward to meet them, They were now walking towards us. I still couldn't believe I was gonna be fighting the avengers and the love of my life. Eventually We started running at them. I flew up and through a ball of energy at some random dude in a cat costume.

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