In A Fight 👊

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💣 Lock is usually the first to start the fight. He and Shock are always in competition to be leader, which weigh heavily on the errands their boss gives them. Lock is VERY arrogant and will not let anyone walk over him (they die trying!). He lets up only if one or both of his cohorts apologies, or starts an actual physical fight - everything is fine afterward.

📚 Shock is sometimes at fault for these fights; she has anger issues, which can result in blowing any situation way out of proportion. She has constant arguments with Lock about their hierarchy -  which is pressed on by Lock. Shock is very in tune with the way things are done within their group and feels that since she is the oldest; she is entitled to lead. She is usually the one to pull their group out of its funk by repeating the phrase, "Birds of a feather flock together."

🍭Barrel is neutral when it comes to fights between Lock and Shock. Even if it does involve him, he still won't be able to do anything about it (it's one of the many disadvantages of being of smaller stature).
He can punch and kick if need be, but he knowingly won't get too far which is why he prefers to stay away. He never stands his ground, which comes in great favor to Lock.

Hey all!
    Happy October!
  Thank you so much for taking the time to read; I really do appreciate it. Also, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the future!

                                           - Coffee 🧡

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