Others Opinions On The Trio 💭

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💣 Jack carries a hesitance when dealing with Lock. He may be naive at times, but he does understand WHO the Boogie's Boys are.

📚 Jack has more trust when it comes Shock (and Barrel). This is mainly from what he has heard from Sally.

🍭 Jack has heard a lot about Barrel. Sally speaks very highly of him and believes that he is good at heart despite his odd jobs for Oogie and Lock.

💣 Sally is very cautious around Lock. She follows her gut to stay far away as possible from him and was very relieved when he stopped showing up to the lab with Shock.

📚 Sally doesn't speak to Shock that often. She only sees her around town and at the laboratory. Nonetheless, she proceeds with caution whenever their paths cross.

🍭 Sally watches Barrel while Shock is away in the lab. She really enjoys her time with Barrel, no matter how strange or obscure the questions are.


💣 The Mayor is TERRIFIED of Lock. The trick or treater chooses him for most of his pranks. Which results in Jack finding out.

📚 Like Sally, he is cautious with Shock. He never sees her around town that often and that makes him suspicious.

🍭 He is ok with Barrel, but seeing him around with Lock worries him.

Oogie Boogie:

💣 Oogie Boogie respects Lock for his work ethic. But gets annoyed easily by his bickering with Shock.

📚 Oogie Boogie appreciates her diligence and skill when it comes to book-smarts. He gets annoyed with her and Locks bickering. She also carries a nasty habit when it comes to back talking - which makes it worse.

🍭 Barrel is the easiest to get annoyed with - mostly because he doesn't do much, and is 'punchable' according to Oogie Boogie.


💣 They witness the majority of Lock's pranks. Much of their knowledge is from town rumors and the like.

📚 Oddly, Shock and the witches never talk because, well, they're witches! But they don't.

🍭 They see Barrel around with Lock, but other than that, they never cross paths.


💣 Other than the mayor, the children of Halloween Town are Locks targets. So of course they're scared of him! Petrified!

📚 They are cautious around Shock due to her cohort's reputation. But they warm up to her after a while and invite her to go on one of their adventures - she declines the majority of the time though.

🍭 Same with Shock, they warm up to Barrel after awhile. He is usually the one to take the place of Shock when she declines the children's invites.

Dr. Frankenstein:

💣 He can't stand Lock. Shock did bring him along whenever she visited, but that quickly changed when Lock was caught on several occasions stealing chemicals to make bombs. Needless to say, Shock goes by herself now.

📚 Believe it or not, Dr. Frankenstein adores Shock! He will often allow her to assist him with his experiments, referring to her as his 'Star pupil'.

🍭 An improvement to Lock, Dr. Frankenstein tolerates Barrel. Sally is usually the one to watch him while Shock is away.


💣 Like the witches, they only hear rumors.
📚 Rumors and see her around with Dr. Frankenstein.
🍭 Rumors and see him playing around town.

Clown w/ the tear-away face:

💣 He's on the same level as the Vampires and Witches with Lock. He rarely sees him around town.

📚He sees Shock at the town meetings.

🍭Barral accompanies Shock to the meetings.

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