Chapter Ten
All three of us ran, trying to find as many people we knew as possible. Landon found Milo with Jack, but Jack had refused to come with us. Jamie and Skye came with us, even though Jamie wasn’t so keen on staying with me.
We ran down the stairs as fast as we could. We could hear people’s screams echoing from the landings whenever we passed them. There was glass breaking, people crying, coughing, screaming out names in search of loved ones.
When we finally made it down to the lobby, people were still spilling out of the building. I was holding on to Landon, Jamie holding on to Skye, and Milo was behind me while Paul was next to Landon.
We ran for the exit, moving out of the way of falling debris and bumping into people. I looked up at the high, intricate ceiling. The one that used to be beautiful, with gold plated designs. A huge crack was beginning to form.
The building was collapsing.
I ran faster, pulling Landon behind me and pulling Milo so that we’d all be forced to sprint. The door was closer, but the gold debris was beginning to fall behind us, kicking up dust and silencing the screams of the teens behind us. We just made it out of the doors. I remember looking behind me, at the trapped kids trying to make it out of there alive. People screaming, climbing out of their cars to run before the robots made it to the roads. More and more people began to spill out of the Tinkering House, but then the ceiling collapsed.
Dust kicked up from the sandy roads. People rushed, tripping and falling in their mad dash to survive.
We made our way to Milo's house, running to the back. There was a single steel outhouse-looking thing in the back, no trees or flowers.
Milo unlocked it, revealing a huge flight of stairs leading downwards into the earth. The screams were haunting now, distant and echoing around us. We ran downstairs and as I looked back, Milo slammed the door closed, sliding locks in place and pushing buttons to make sure it was as locked as it was going to get. I could only barely hear the haunting shouts from outside.
“Wait, my mom.” my eyes grew wide. I felt my heart begin to race.
Milo shook his head, breathing heavily.
“Milo, we need to find my mom. S-She’s all I have left!” I felt my throat clutch as I pulled at my hair.
“We can’t, Hannah! It’s to dangerous!” He was still shaking his head, staring at me as if I was crazy.
“N-No, we need to find her. We need to.”
‘The last thing you did was argue with her. You’re a terrible daughter.
At that moment, every terrible emotion left in me exploded.
I collapsed right there, sobbing on my knees.
Andrew sat there with me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I managed, sobbing into my hands.
He helped me down the stairs while I cried and cried. When we got to the bunker, It was bigger than I had imagined. There was tons of food, a gas oven and a self-powered refrigerator. In one closet there were guns, a first aid kit, and flashlights with an impossible amount of batteries, in another there was... wait for it... even more food. There had to be food for at least 3 years in there, or more. There were a bunch of old memory foam cots, which were okay but not too comfy, and a dog bed.