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This isn't following the exact like- moments of UA I'm just making it up as I go so pls don't bash me I have a plan in mind and this is supposed to be like a different uni where your added okie- okie so not all major events will happen and they will be altered

Hawks POV

Even if hawks wasn't staying for long he decided to call it a night earlier then expected. It even seemed to throw you off balance.

A part of him hoped you would ask and possibly whine for just a few minutes more of his time, but the response was a polite one

" alright, I guess I'll see you around"

With a soft smile and her focus on hawks it was more of a soft rumble in his chest with a hint of sadness that enveloped his feelings.

With that he had flew off. Into the chilly cloudy sky. The perfect temperature for a good warm up glide.  But for him that would not be enjoyable with the pang in his chest from those flowers. Those flowers where something that triggered a new beginning.

It was true it brought the place more together and gave it a more inviting atmosphere but to hawks that was quite the opposite. It brought him reminder of this what seemed like a impenetrable glass wall that taunted the reflection of you. He felt that he could almost touch you but hitting and yelling wouldn't get him any closer.

After a few minutes he was finally in front of this old grimy abandoned steel building.

" it took you long enough."

The familiar sent of burnt flesh and crematorium attacking his pallet of old spice and his cologne.
Hawks stood nonchalantly as if his current problem wasn't causing him to slip his cover.

" hey sorry, I was just trying to set everything up to plan like you all asked. You can't rush perfection"  with that perfect lie he sealed it with his signature charming gaze.

Good enough to trick anyone, even himself sometimes.

Your pov next day.

" (y/n)...(y/n)..VALKYRIE!"  Sakura shouted bursting through your office doors. Absolutely fuming. You wonder what you could of possibly done but you might of had an idea.


Lousy degenerates??

" you need to be more clear, Sakura, sweetie pie, who are you referring to Katsuki Bakugo or Denki Kaminari?" You motioned while resting both cheeks on your palms and even leaning forward just to piss her off even more.

Her cheeks bright red out of anger as she slammed down the papers of Katsuki bakugo return letter.

You blinked being slightly astonished that he was the one that responded first but then again, he was always known to know what he wanted.

" we'll Sakura dear last time I remember....you said who ever answers first gets in..." you gave almost a cat like grin seeming innocent as she huffed.

Sakura might have taken back those words at that moment " (y/n) I don't think it's a great idea to have someone as destructive as him- and to top it off a bad temper-" you stopped her mid sentence as she rambled on your choosing

" bakugo has a lot of areas to improve in. You don't see it yet but his temper is only his drive to his success, I want him to learn how to put it into use without seeming like a raging time bomb." You spoke sternly this time

" my quirk is usually used for back up purposes or long range, he's suitable for both. If I can teach him to control his surroundings and limit the destruction he leaves after a battle, I think we can have the next top hero on our hands." You smiled that last part while pushing yourself away from the desk and making your way to the door leaving a shocked Sakura behind " make sure to tidy up the place before he gets here" you smirked as she groaned and huffed from how annoying and cocky you were acting.
Hawks sat at the pub area the league was currently staying at while looking at his glass that was nearly empty. He's been staring at it for a while but not for the right reasons.

His rut was only getting worse but it was at its prime when you where around. Maybe it was because you where more familiar then the woman he was around 24/7. Or maybe it was because you fit the description of his type.

Being undercover during these days was harder then it needed to be. Even if the league never truly gave him a hard time and they where VERY wary of him, he was still obligated to get information and play two sides of the story.

During the time he was with you he was a hero, a person that swore to use his quirk for no more then good.

While on other days he was the leagues "insider" but they where also being played. At that point he questioned his morality a lot.

During this time the league was already planning all nights down fall. After the whole entire ordeal of the U.A. attack they have been plotting to take allmight down again. But this time one for all would be going into play.

He knew allmight wasn't entirely ready to take on such a power like him. All might proved to be running low on stamina and no one could see it but the pros who where constantly by his side.

Their plan to weaken the symbol of peace was going well as of now...

Dabi looked over at hawks and for once felt a bit sorry for the guy. He usually knew how his demeanor was and something about his personality seemed to be off... it was alarming to him but no one else seemed to have noticed.

He decided to take a seat next to him. Hawks didn't acknowledge him at first till dabis intense gaze made him shift in his seat uncomfortably.

" if you really wanted to admire me you should of asked me to pose" hawks fumbled a bit while trying to crack a smile.

Dabi look off while getting a drink as well " you seem off...and I don't particularly like it." He spoke sternly while giving him a slight glare again.

Hawks looked off to the side " yeah I know.." he sighed " if you think I'm plotting something I'm not I'm just-" he stopped himself thinking if he should give the enemy any type of personal response.

But if he wanted to make mends and wiggle into their trust then this was the only way to do it

" it's about a girl." Hawks spoke again after a short pause

Dabi was not expecting that type of response so he blinked a bit from shock. A girl? He would be interested enough to stick to a girl?

"- I've been thinking of a girl, she's great actually she's very headstrong and beautiful." He spoke softly trying to make himself seem as venerable to enable trust between them

" what's her name?"

Hawks gulped. If he knew that it was THE Valkyrie dabi could use that as leverage if things go wrong. If he uses your real name he can easily find you by articles and tabloids you two have been on

" her name...her name is Jennie." He lied

" I never knew someone like you can even think about settling down."  Dabi spoke with the drink in his hand

" but I'm glad Jennie was able to bring you from your high horse" He smirked while leaving hawks be for another moment. Almost as if he knew that That was a lie.

Hawks gulped a bit, this was the first time fear was ever instilled in him while on this mission..

And he was afraid you would encounter the league anytime soon...

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