9 - i miss her

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well it's definitely winter now. it's cold as hell and it has been snowing like crazy but today it's just cold. last night me and worked kinda hard in the snow. Maria wanted us to shovel a path so that people could walk easily through it.

and after that me and Ellie were beat. so we of course slept in. but only till 10 we still had some work to do.

when me and her woke up we were still kinda tired. Ellie laid in bed for a bit as usual and I got up. i went to the bathroom and washed off my face. i looked at myself in the mirror then side. I pulled my hair up then walked out of the room and to down stairs.

i saw a letter by the front door.

i grabbed it and it read 'you have a day off'. i sighed in relief.

Ellie came downstairs and said "what do we have to do today". i gave her the note and she was relieved as well.

"okay today we're gonna spend the day together. that alright with you love?". i nodded with a smile.

she just told me to go upstairs and put on some warm clothes. which meant we were going outside.

but if it meant spending the day with Ellie I'm fine with that.

i did what she told me and came back down stairs.

when I came down Ellie was already dressed and there were two pairs of ice skates on the table.

"Dina told me about this lake that frozen solid and I thought we could try ice skating" Ellie said looking at the shoes then back at me.

now I wasn't the most agile person actually I was very clumsy. i chuckled a bit and said "alright... but be ready to catch me if I fall"

Ellie smiled a bit and kissed my cheek. Ellie packed her bag while I packed mine as well. we walked out our front door and greeted everyone while we walked to the car we would use.

we wrote down our names and what car number we were using. awhile ago we found a bunch of cars we could use.

we got in the car and then left Jackson to the lake. it wasn't far by car but it was by foot.

about 10 minutes later we made it to the lake and Dina was rights it's actually frozen solid. we got out the car after Ellie put it in park and we walked to the edge of the lake.

i helped Ellie put on her skates and she helped me put mine on.

she stood up and held out a hand to help me. I grabbed it and she pulled me up.

"just hold my hand and we will be alright" she said squeezing my hand a little tighter.

i nodded and now we were on the ice. i just stood still while Ellie pulled me.

"i got you but you could move a bit" Ellie said with a little laugh. i still didn't move.

Ellie pulled me harder and let me go so my skates just slid on the ice.

"you said you had me!!!" I yelled and I started to stumble a bit. she grabbed both my hands again and said "hey you moved".

i rolled my eyes as she chuckled.

"I was only joking love you didn't get hurt see?"

"it was a little scary" I said avoiding eye contact.

she gently moved my head forward and said "look at me babe". i looked at her and she gently kissed my lips still holding my hands.

she pulled away and said "you know I-"


well that was bad timing.

i looked at the guard who woke me up by splashing water on me.

i don't think I've ever wanted to stay asleep.

i miss her...

hey sorry for the short chapter I'm sick lol. no not corona I just have very very bad allergies that feel like the worst cold ever. so this chapter is a bit short but hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and I'll make the next one extra longer!!

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