Hologram of an angel

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The doctors POV

"Who turned the TV on?" I asked and looked around at everyone. But no one owned up. Emma picked up the TV remove from next to her.
"It's been next to me this entire time but I haven't touched it," she says. I looked back at the TV. The angel no longer had its hands over its eyes and it was looking at us. Its hands were still slightly in front of its face though.

We all stared at it for a few minutes before Rose spoke.
"Isn't it coming out the screen?" She asks. I pay more attention to it and looked on the ground in front of the TV. It seemed to be faintly becoming a hologram slowly.
"Keep away from the TV," I say realising both Grace and Eve had stood up and was in front of the TV. I grabbed them both on the shoulder and gently pulled them back from the growing hologram of the angel.

I heard another sound from outside and moved over to the window and looked outside again. It sounded like a weird horn. I carefully moved the curtains again but I couldn't see anything it was too dark now.
"D-doctor," Rose says. I quickly looked around and saw the angel now fully in the room with us. Rose was frozen on the chair with Jay on her lap and Grace and Eve were also frozen on spot in the middle of the room. Everyone was staring at it. Its hands were outstretched towards Rose and were staring right at her. She was staring back at it looking at its legs though. I could see the fear in Grace's and Eve's eyes as they stayed in one place.
"Mummy-" Jay said. I quickly looked over and decided to take Jay and try to calm him down a little and try and convince him nothing was wrong. I lifted him and he put his arms around my neck.
"What's going on? What's wrong?" He asks with slight fear in his voice. I stay silent for a few seconds trying to pick the right words to put into a sentence.
"Everything is ok," is all I managed to say. I knew he wouldn't believe nothing was wrong but it was worth a try.
"No, mummy can't move and Gracie and Evelyn," he points at them. I gently pushed his head onto my chest trying to make him look away from all the drama. Emma was staring at the angel as it started to crumble.

I gently rocked Jay calming him down as the angel fully crumble. And then I had an idea.
"Daddy, what happened?" Eve asks. I hand Jay back over to Rose and turned to go look at Eve and Grace. Eve had her arms outstretched for me to pick her up. I didn't hesitated to pick her up.
"What happened?" Eve asks again.
"I don't know," I lie. I knew it I told them what was going on they would be more scared. "But I promise I will find out what happened and stop it," I say. Eve nods and I put her back down on the ground.
"We can't stay in here," I pause trying to work out what to say next without worrying anyone. The real reason was we can't stay in a room with the dust of a half-dead half-alive angel floating around the room. I look at Rose and she nods showing me she understands and she stands up.
"But where are we going to go?" She asks.
"Around the streets, I'm sure we will find a house or a building which they can stay in for a night," everyone nods and we make our way out the room.

I was the last to leave, I held the door open for everyone as they walked through. I was waiting for Emma to pick her backpack up and put her around her shoulders and walk out the room. As she did I closed the door and followed everyone down the stairs.

We walked outside and it was about nine at night. We walked down the street and I decided to drop back slightly and look around. I saw a new object in an alleyway and stopped to check it out. Rose had quickly noticed I wandered off and she came back to the alleyway I was in.
"And you always tell me not to wander off," she says. I smile and looked up at her.
"Wondering off for fun and wandering off and finding some clues are two different things," I say with a laugh. I held up the new pair of nunchucks I found.
"Scan it," Grace said,
"Might find some more clues on it," Eve finished. I nodded and grabbed my sonic screwdriver. I scanned the handles of the nunchucks and after a few seconds the humming stopped and I looked at my sonic screwdriver.
"What is it?" Rose asked.
"That might be why the weeping angels are crumbling and dying," I said quietly. Rose gives Jay to Emma and moved beside me and looked at my sonic screwdriver. I got the idea she wanted to see so I grabbed my psychic paper out from my pocket and connected it with my sonic screwdriver. It hummed for a few seconds and stopped and the words appeared on the paper. I showed Rose the paper and she immediately looked at me. I looked at the psychic paper again before putting it into my pocket.
"But they are only people in costume, they can't be identified by D&A, that's like saying you can identify what someone's job is just by there D&A," she says quietly to me. I had the idea she didn't want to scare anyone so I replied in a hushed tone as well.
"These aren't people, they are there own species," I paused "but how?" I opened my pocket again and placed the psychic paper back into its place and also placed my sonic screwdriver in my top pocket.
"I know I should have asked before but do you have any more keys or know where any more keys to spare rooms are?" I asked a little louder now. She stood and thought for a second.
"There is one more room, it's always kept open, the communal area. We can check if that's all alright?" She says.
"It's probably the safest thing we can do at the moment," I say.

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