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"Rocket!" I yell, barging into his home, beyond enraged. "Rocky!"

"Natty, my love?" I hear him call, his voice, irking me further.

"Hold it. I don't understand it, I don't understand you. Why the hell did you send a wedding planner to my office? Without even consulting me first?"

"Is that why you're so worked up? Come on, my love. It's not that big of a dea—

"Yes, it is! Can you learn to respect my personal space." I state, more of a command than a request.

"We're going to be married next week Saturday, Natty—

"Marriage is understanding. It's a partnership, Rocky! You should ask me first before you do things." I demand, turning around to leave. I tried countless times to forget that I'd have to be married to him. My dislike for him began when I lost my home because of his interference, however, at this moment, I despised him to the very core.

I can feel his presence as he walks behind me. I try to move away but he holds me back, putting his hand round my waist and his hand caressing my hair.

"Please, leave me." I say, still irked.

"I'm sorry, Natty. I'm sorry. Why don't I make it up to you? How about we go to the beach this Saturday? Tomorrow's Friday. We could take Loui—

"No. I have a lot of work. I have to work Saturdays too."

"That's odd. You don't have to do that, Natty. You don't have to overwork or stress yourself for that matter— you know I'm here, I'll take care of you, Lou— "It's not about the money." I respond, somewhat annoyed at his words. I didn't need his money. I continue, "My net worth's probably higher than yours, Rocket."

He chuckles. "You have a wicked tongue, but I love it."

"I'll be leaving. I have to get my son from school." I say, turning around to leave.

"Wait," He says. I pause. He continues, "You mustn't think of work next Saturday, you know."

"Why's that?" I ask, avoiding his eyes. I fold my arms, more than ready to leave.

"Natty? That's our wedding day, come on! I said it a few moments ago."

I drop my hands almost immediately. I look at him. "Our what?"

"Wedding day, Natty. What's so surprising, you consented to this."

"Why's it so early? I mean, I- I know I did, but I didn't know it was so close by. It's too early." I was beginning to panic.

"It's too early to make me Louis' father? I thought this was for him?"

"Don't you dare use that against me." I say, pointing at him. "Everything I do, I do it for him and I'm only marrying you as per his desire. Louis wants a father and that's what I'm giving to him."

"Then why are you so worked up? Why are you even upset?"

I don't know what to say, how to reply his question. Why was I worked up when it was inevitable? I already made the decision, hell, I initiated it. I knew all too well what the answer was. I was annoyed because of Luke. I still had hope that he would return. I believed he was coming for me, but now, with each passing moment leading up to the day I would lawfully become Rocky's wife, I was beginning to lose hope. Suddenly, an idea pops in my mind. If Lucas was truly out there, there was only one way to lure him out.

"I'm just stressed, forgive me." I respond, massaging my temples. "Let's go to the beach on Saturday."

"Mommy!" I giggle as my son runs to me, my arms stretched out to receive him. I take deep breath, inhaling his scent. I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was school today, huh?"

"Fine, mommy, I thought about you today."

I almost melt at his words. "Me? Honey, I think about you every single moment. I hope you're okay? Did you get in a fight?"

He nods, "Jake's my friend now, his daddy left him too."

"What?" I ask, not understanding what exactly he meant by that. I hug him again, trying to kill of the conversation. "Why don't we go to the arcade or get some ice-cream?"

"It's advisable to not let children play so much during weekdays." I hear an all too familiar voice say. I get up.


"Ms. Richardson."

"You may call me Natalie, seeing as I call you Rose." I state, pretending to have a smile on my face. For as long as Louis would be in the school, I couldn't risk falling out with her.

She nods, smiling too. I know a fake smile when I see one.

"You still owe me a bottle of Cabernet." Rose says.

"Ah, I see. You're a busy woman, so am I. I think it's best to see to a day where we both would have a few minutes to spare."

"I can make time tomorrow, by noon. You should check your schedule and let me know if that works for you." She responds.

"No, not at all. There's no need for that. I create my schedule, as I own the company."


"Eric Kayser, noon, it is." I respond. It was going to be one uncomfortable afternoon.


After ice-cream, my son is knocked out at the backseat. Again, he'd made it abundantly clear that he missed his father.


"What do you think about uncle Rocky? Do you like him?" I ask Louis, as I hand him a cup of rolled ice-cream.

"Mhm. He's the best mommy and I always beat him in football!" My son states, laughing. I look away, hoping my son would react negatively to my next question.

"Well, would you like uncle Rocky to become your daddy? Do you want to call him daddy, instead of uncle?"

"Is uncle Rocky going to be my dad?" My son exclaims. I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Only if you want him to be, my love."

"Yes, mommy! Yes! Uncle Rocky's my daddy! Yay! Yay! Yay!"


I go into the study, trying to be as quiet as possible as Louis room was just opposite the study. I close the door gently behind me. I tie my hair in a bun as I rush to my computer. I turn it on and log into my e-mail account. It was time to reconnect with Lee Martins.

To; Detectivemartinslee@private.com
From; Natalierichardson@carrington.com
Time; 2:15 AM

I hope this message meets you well, Detective. Four years after and I still need your services. There's two things I need you to do. As you know, my husband is missing. I had, in good faith, believed that it was better not to find him because he was declared wanted by the police, however, I've become worried that something might've gone wrong somewhere. You know where to find me, but before that, do give me a call. Same number.

I hit on the send button and the message disappears. I get up to leave, expecting to get a response later in the day, but surprisingly, my phone rings at that moment.

"Detective. It's been a while."

He responds on the other end, "Of course, Ms. Richardson. How may I be of help?"

"I need you to find the father of my son and I need you to get him to crash my wedding."

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