Apaixonar - Bokuto koutaro 🌙 PT.1

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Apaixonar (v.)
Meaning: To fall in love with someome or something, the act of falling in love.

"Where is it?" You panic patting your body in a sudden fluster trying to find the best thing any woman can own. Her bankcard "everything okay miss?" The young server asks as you smile at him in a fluster "yes...yes...just give me one second!" Your frantic expression clearly evident as he waves his hand to make sure you don't feel rushed.

"I got it" a tall and muscular guy with dual coloured hair and flaunting a MSBY uniform appears before you and slaps his card on the machine before you can protest "oh no! You shouldn't have!" You cry panicked and bow to him in apology as the man passes you your coffee "well it would be very shameful of me to leave you stranded" he laughs as you subconsciously join in his long arms grabbing the door as both of us exit into the busy street of Osaka.

"So what brings you all the way To Osaka? You certainly don't seem like your from around here? " his question causing your face to go red with embrassment the fact you are in a pair of skinny jeans and a white jumper with a messy bun and a large rucksack on your back certainly making you stick out from the crowd.

"That obvious huh?" His head nodding in affirmation "Im a blogger who goes around the world and study different cultures so I deicded to study up on the traditional Japanese customs that different cities have and Osaka was the last one on my stop!" As you look up at him with stars in your eyes his face decorated with a hint of pink am i seeing things? You mentally smack yourself to erase that thought.

"Wait? Blogger did you say?" His face questionable as you nod and he quickly pulls out his phone and brings up none other than...YOUR BLOG ACCOUNT!.

"No way!" You shout your coffee gliding down your throat to quickly causing you to burst into a coughing fit as he panics and starts patting your back "no wonder you looked familiar? You blog really helped me out and my team mates aswell" he smiles as a fluttering feeling rises in your chest "im honoured to be in your presence" the compliments rolling of his tongue as we approach the crossing up ahead.

"Left?" He questions as you shake your head "right...dam" he shrugs and quickly pulls out his phone and pulls you into his side "PICTURE!" He shouts as you quickly brace yourself the click quickly over "well i hope to see you around "Cherry blossom girl" he smiles and waves to you as the light goes green "please call me Y/N" as you dart of before it changes his eyes fixated on your back.

Pity I won't get to see him again he was such a nice (and handsome) guy aswell.


"ONE MORE!" I shout jumping in the air and smakcing Hinata's toss down as it zooms past Sakusa and Oriver coach Samson calling a break "you sure are fired up today Bokuto-san" Hinata pipes up as he sets himself down on Atsumu's lap his arms instinctively wrapping round the small tangerines waist as I tell them about my encounter with the Beautiful woman who I have wanted to meet since I first discovered her page.

"She as Beautiful as people say she is?" Shion remarks in his fluent English as I sigh "even Beautifuler" as Sakusa comments on how Beautifuler isn't even a word "did you get her number?" Shūgo questions as I shake my head in repsonse when Adriah walks into the room phone in hand "Did you know that the one and only cherry blossom girl was in Osaka today?" He questions as we all laughs his confusion obvious.

"Listen to what she jsut wrote..."

The time I have spent here in Japan 🇯🇵 is truly one I will carry in my memories forver. I have had the honour to learn so many different cultures and lifestyles plus an infinite amount of food items and recipes.🍱 But the one thing that I will miss the most is the generosity of the Japanese people. Today I went and got a coffee but had left my purse back at the hotel leaving me in a bit of a dilemma 🤔 when a kind and generous guy decided to pay for me no to mention how drop dead handsome he was ❤.

I know what your thinking? Did you get his number? Unfortunately not, didn't even get his name. 😅 I wish I could see him one last time but thats just how life works for me!. My next stop is certainly a bit more on the Sunny side, Any guesses? See you next time my dear followers!

Cherry Blossom girl x

A sinking feeling fills me as I realise that the chances of meeting her again are slim when Atsumu throws a volleyball at my head and I bask in the pain "what are you waiting for?... GO GET HER DUMBASS!" His voice loud and affirmative as I quickly rise to my feet "I don't even know where she is!" I shout when coach Samson walks in with a smile on his face.

"She is at the Saruna Hotel on the outskirts of Osaka, which is about a 10 minute walk from here or faster if you run?" He wiggles his eyebrows as I look at him with the expression of how did you even find that out? "No time for explaining... NOW RUN LIKE YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT! OH WAIT.... IT DOES!" he laughs as I bolt out the stadium the cheers of my team mates spurring me on.


"Phone, keys, PURSE!" You shout at yourself making sure youu have definitely got everything that you need before grabbing your suitcase and leaving the room, key card in hand making your way through the traditional hall filled with ancient Japanese memorabilia the reception desk right before you as you hand your  key in when a young girl approaches you holding a pen and paper in her delicate hands "excuse me miss?" She asks as you crouch down to her level "yes sweetie?" You speak softly as to not scare her "can I ask you some questions?" As you nod at her checking your watch I've got some spare time to kill anyway when as if it was some perfectly constructed plan a loud bang is heard as the front doors fly open revealing an out of breath dual haired man you have developed feelings for.


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