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Juniper walked quickly to the Slytherin common room, buttoning more of the shirt on her way there. Her mind was going a million miles an hour and unable to focus. She was glad to see Blair inside with some friends, immediately grabbing her arm and saying, "come with me," as she dragged Blair to her dormitory.
"What's wrong? Why are you in such a panic and who's shirt is that?" Blair asked quickly as Juniper shut the door. Juniper paced a few times, her head in her hands and then running her fingers through her hair.
"I just had sex with Draco Malfoy in the Prefect's bathroom." Juniper blurted out. Blair's eyes went wide and her hand went over her mouth, shock consuming her.
"Oh my God..." Blair began to speak but struggled to find the words. "How was it?" She asked making Juniper glare at her, she didn't want to talk about how the sex was so incredibly amazing, she wanted to scream that she just allowed him to make her another one of his latest fucks.
"Blair that isn't the point!" Juniper yelled. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell. I literally swore I wouldn't let this happen and it did, do I seriously not have self control?" Juniper questioned. She hated that she enjoyed it so much, that the pleasure was still lingering in her and that she could still feel how his lips felt against her skin.
"It's alright, it was one time, Juniper. You won't let it happen again, it's alright." Blair tried to calm her down as best as she could.
"I'm afraid it won't be the last, Bee. It was so good, like really good." Juniper groaned as she sat on her bed. "I can't believe I did that." She said. Blair sat next to her and put her hand on Juniper's back, pulling her into her as she laughed a bit.
"In all fairness he's really good looking, so you can't beat yourself up too much. It's the eyes, they're all pretty and sparkly. And the hair too, it's always so good looking, so no one can blame you for shagging that." Blair tried to make Juniper laugh, which she was a bit successful as Juniper nodded with a small laugh.
"I think I just want to be alone for a bit if that's alright." Juniper said as she looked at her friend. She was grateful that Blair was so quick to calm her down and not judge her. Blair nodded and hugged Juniper, letting her know that she was there for her.
"I'll see you tomorrow, don't dwell too much on this." Blair said as she stood up. She left Juniper alone where she very much did dwell on it. Her mind was a continuous reply of every movement, moan, and kiss that occurred in the bathroom. She laid in bed rubbing her fingertips lightly against the bruises, sighing that she enjoyed it so much. Even the fact that she was still wearing his shirt was enjoyable to her, the scent of his cologne lingering on it was entirely intoxicating.

Draco had stayed behind in the Prefects bathroom a bit longer after the events that had occurred. Once he was dressed and Juniper had left, he walked over to the sink and leaned his hands against it, staring into the mirror at himself. Each time he'd been with Pansy he hadn't given it a single thought afterward, never caring about what she did after or her emotions, but this was different. This time he did care, he wanted to know what Juniper was thinking, how she was feeling. He hated that he even cared but hated more that she walked out so fast.
Draco, however, was quite pleased she'd opened herself up to him. The persistent thoughts about someone else having her were diminishing more and more each time he thought about her pressed against him. He needed an excuse to see her again and thankfully he had one: she left her shirt in the bathroom because she'd put his on. He grabbed the white buttoned shirt that matched his, but a lot smaller, and began walking to the common room. He hoped she'd be alone in her dormitory when he went over there. He knocked on the door and opened it before she had the chance to object.
"Please go away." Juniper said when she saw Draco entering her dormitory and closing the door. She didn't even want to look at him.
"I just came to bring your shirt." He said as he set it on the bed.
"Thanks." Juniper said blankly as she avoided his gaze, which was quite frustrating for Draco.
"You're upset." He remarked.
"We shouldn't have done that." Juniper shook her head. "It wasn't right."
"You said the same thing about kissing me, yet you just had sex with me, so is it right or is it wrong?" Draco asked, his tone seemed a bit irritated.
"It was wrong." Juniper said quickly.
"Was? Past tense, you don't think it's wrong anymore." Draco smirked at her as if this was a game.
"It is wrong, it was wrong, it always will be wrong." Juniper snapped at him, now meeting his gaze, she was furious with how angry he could make her.
"Relax, darling, I just came to give you your shirt. You won't have to worry about this happening ever again." Draco said as he crossed his arms.
"Good because it won't happen again." Juniper nodded. Part of her wondered why he would have said that, did he not want it to happen again? Draco worried about the same thing, hating that she said she wouldn't do that again with him. "I shouldn't have let it." She said quietly now, disconnecting their eye contact as she looked out the window, hugging her knees into her chest. Draco was disappointed in the amount of regret she had, but Juniper was disappointed that she didn't regret it at all.
"I'm so sorry you regret it so damn much." Draco said coldly. "I'll leave you alone, but for the record: I don't regret any of it." He said harshly before he left her dormitory, slamming the door on the way out. She jumped at the sound of the door, feeling bad for making him visibly upset, but she knew it was a mistake. Draco was more enraged with himself that he slammed her door and that he was so cold to her. He wanted so badly to go back in there and apologize, to get in bed with her and hold her, but he pushed those thoughts away, trying to convince himself he was being ridiculous.
Juniper barely slept that night, too pissed with herself and Draco to let her thoughts calm down enough to go to sleep. She laid staring at the ceiling all night until the sun came up and she knew she'd have to get ready for class, a class that she'd have with him.

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