thirty four

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Draco let the Room of Requirement doors close and he slowly walked closer to Juniper, anger flooding him that she didn't listen to him. That she came here after he asked her to stay at the cottage to stay safe. Why did she never listen. He lifted his hand and rubbed his temples with his thumb and middle finger and let out a laugh.
"God, I should've known you wouldn't listen to me. You never do." Draco said as he continued to laugh. "Seriously, Juniper, why would you come here? Why can't you just fucking listen to me for once in your life!" Draco raised his voice and the anger she felt suddenly came rushing back to her. The anger for the letter and for him leaving. He was gone for two days and she felt as if it were two years, all the anger was running through her and she walked quickly over to him, raising her hand and like the last time they were in the Room of Requirement, slapped him.
    "Wow, we've really got a pattern down haven't we?" Draco laughed again as he put his hand to his cheek, he then saw the anger radiating in Juniper's green eyes. "Alright, you're angry as I expected." Draco said sternly.
    ", Draco Malfoy." Juniper could barely find the words to express how angry she was.
    "I'm what, Juniper?" Draco asked her. "Goodness, you really do slap hard." He said rubbing his cheek again.
    "You are an arrogant ass, Draco! A note? Really? A bloody fucking note the moment I wake up? Of course I'm pissed off at you!" Juniper began to yell at him. "I know you're going to say it was for my protection and yes, I understand that, but Draco the minute we decided to run away together that meant we were a team, you do not get to run off without me or make decisions without me!" She continued to yell at him.
    "I knew that you would convince me to stay with you and that would put you, our home, in so much danger. They knew where we were and that meant the year of work we spent building our lives together could end in one bloody minute!" Draco yelled back to her, trying to make her see his reasoning.
    "You think I don't realize that? Do you really think I didn't know that? I told you from the beginning I would be willing to risk everything for you, Draco!" Juniper yelled back at him. "When you finally let me into your life you forfeited the free will to make choices alone because we are in this together, so yes I am bloody pissed at you." She stopped yelling now, but spoke through gritted teeth. "You're so bloody lucky that I'm so in love with you or I think I could actually hex you right now." She crossed her arms, but Draco let out a chuckle and nodded his head, pulling Juniper into a hug. She reluctantly put her arms around his waist.
    "I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry it was through a letter. I thought it was the right thing to go when they knew where we were." Draco sighed, he moved his hands to cup her cheeks. "How long are you going to stay mad at me?" He asked.
    "I don't know, I have a hard time staying mad at you, but I'm pretty pissed." Juniper mumbled. She made Draco laugh a bit and he nodded his head.
    "Alright, well that's okay. What do you have there?" Draco asked as he gestured to the diadem in her hands.
    "It's a horcrux," Juniper breathed in, "we're currently the only people alive today who's ever seen it and now I have to bring it to Harry so he can destroy it." She sighed deeply. The diadem was beautiful, the blue and silver mixed together and the gem stones shined so brightly.
    "Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem?" Draco asked and she nodded her head.
    "I'm going to go tell him I've found it." Juniper said. "What're you doing here?" She asked him.
    "Came to escape the impending doom that'll be surrounding us soon. Just to think before the battle begins." Draco chuckled. "I'm going to go ask Professor McGonagall how I can help." He said as they began to leave the Room of Requirement. The doors shut behind them, sealing the room again and Harry was walking up the stairs.
    "I see you've beaten me to it, just spent time talking to the Grey Lady for nothing now." Harry sighed, making Juniper laugh as she handed him the diadem.
    "Good luck destroying that thing," Draco said to Harry, "and you, you better stay safe." He leaned his head down to press them to Juniper's before he turned to the stairs.
    "Draco!" Juniper called over. Draco turned to look back at her.
    "I love you." She told him.
    "I love you too, Junebug." Draco smiled to her and began heading toward the front of the school where McGonagall was.
    "Professor!" Draco called over as McGonagall as she and Molly Weasley were walking outside.
    "Mr. Malfoy," she seemed shocked to see him there, "what're you doing here?" The question made him laugh, everyone knew his family was on the wrong side.
    "I'm here to help, obviously. How can I help?" He asked. Mcgonagall seemed pleased, the smallest of a smile was across her lips and she nodded.
    "We're sending a protective barrier up around the school, we could use your help to make it quicker." She nodded. Draco began to walk to another part of the school to do the spells Mcgonagall told him of. "Mr. Malfoy, it's good to see you." She told him.
    "It's good to see you too, professor." He nodded his head toward her, then followed a couple other students toward different areas of the school.
    Juniper and Harry were waiting for Hermione and Ron to come back with a fang from the giant serpent in the Chamber of Secrets, she watched Harry turn the diadem in his fingers.
    "How'd you know it was there?" Harry broke their silence.
    "Draco, actually." She admitted. "He showed me that side of the Room of Requirement where artifacts were laid around to be lost forever, only select students there to find them. As soon as Luna said it was lost, I just knew." Juniper told him.
    "Remind me to thank him then I guess." Harry sighed.
    "I think it's funny you still don't like him." Juniper laughed.
    "I don't not like him, he's just not my favorite." Harry defended.
    "That's alright. You're not his favorite either." Juniper said making Harry laugh as he nodded. Hermione and Ron were rushing up the stair with the fang in hand and tossed it over to Harry, who then destroyed the horcrux.
    "What now?" Ron was the first to speak after the diadem was destroyed.
    "We wait for the battle to begin." Hermione said as they began to walk toward the front of the school to wait for Voldemort's army to begin attacking.

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