twenty one

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    Reading your letter reminded me of a few things: one, you are completely and utterly dramatic at times, but so entirely correct, and two, I miss you so dearly.
    Being home doesn't even seem like home. From the moment I even entered this manor I've felt as if I'm a ghost walking through empty corridors, unable to be seen. There are so many people here, Junebug, it's terrifying to see how many of his supporters are here. I've stayed in my room for most of the holiday, it makes me wish I either stayed at school or went with you. Why didn't we think of that, Junebug? We could've stayed at Hogwarts together and spent the holiday in front of the fire or in the snow.
    Mum is worried as well, she won't show it, but I know her too well to know that she's terrified for my safety. Father has been too, he's keeping me in the dark on a lot of information to protect my mind from You-Know-Who. It's gotten to the point that mum begged Aunt Bella to teach me Occlumency to protect my thoughts from You-Know-Who even more.
    As for the muggles disappearing, yes, that's the Death Eaters. They're showing that no family is safe, wizard or muggle. These are incredibly dark times, Juniper, we've got to be incredibly careful. I'm alright though, I swear to you, even with my family's loyalties lying on the wrong side, mine do not. Mine lie with you and therefore I'm safe, you always make me feel safe.
    To answer your question, yes, I have noticed that the skies seem dimmer. They've been dimming for a while and I think it's quite symbolic of how dark our world is becoming. Even though I think you're definitely dramatic at times, you're entirely correct, which also makes me dramatic. I wish I could have this conversation with you in person so I could hear you laugh when I agree to your statements. I miss your laugh so much, darling.
    As for that little Tudor cottage you so badly want to go to, I hope we can get there soon. I've never been one to want to run from anything, but I can feel deep down that it's the right thing to do. It's the only way to keep us safe, to keep you safe, I'll do anything to keep you safe. We'll be there soon, darling, after term maybe. I'll see you so soon, Junebug.

                                                                  Love always,

                                                                  Love always,                                                                              Draco

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