Chapter 54

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Idk how many of you have read ACOTAR series by SJM but here's something I found on YouTube related to it!

Dorian closed the door behind him, an aborted sob finding its way to escape through his burning throat.

A hand snaked around his waist to stabilize him and he leaned into the warmth, seeking the comfort of the welcoming embrace.

"I just can't believe it."

"It's real, he's back." Chaol whispered in his ears, a hand running from his hair to his back. His dad was finally home. As more incriminating evidence was found against Arobynn, and Perrington confessed to trying to mudsling Dorian Sr., the main suspect changed and his father finally was let out of the prison. He had almost sunk down to his knees seeing his father's haggard state.

The school was set to be open in a week or so, once the police ran a final check through it, but Dorian was not going to let his father go anywhere till he recovered properly. His mom was coming back in 2 days. It was going in the right direction for him, at least for now.

It was a high risk, getting Arobynn caught, risking Aelin's safety, but it served 2 purposes: pacifying Maeve and getting his father out. It worked out well until now, he just hoped the same happened tomorrow.

Dorian pulled himself back and somehow they had ended up on the couch, with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. He took a small sip of the sweet concoction, mind whirring.

"So, what are we doing about tomorrow?"

"As decided, we both are staying here, tracking their location and calls. We won't be of any use there as well." Chaol said in a clipped tone.

"But I wanted to go there." Dorian stretched, legs resting on Chaol's lap.

"It's dangerous." Chaol was still not meeting his eyes. "Let's check up on the trackers."

"Babe? What is it?" Dorian kept his cup down, making Chaol face him. Chaol had always been skeptical of Aelin and her little clique, but slowly he had grown to accept them. He had been fidgety ever since they joined in, Chaol urging him to not dabble in the underground. But it looked different now.

Dorian squeezed his hand. Chaol abruptly sat up straighter. He swallowed several times before continuing.

"This rescue mission... Aedion and others have only gone due to backup and distraction provided by Lorcan. And the plan is to sneak them all out." Dorian nodded. "But the Pirate Lord doesn't have good relations with Aelin, she and Sam had cost him and Arobynn a lot of loss. He wouldn't help her, especially when he had nothing to gain and a lot to lose." Dorian's eyes narrowed. It did seem fishy. But Elide's arguments were pretty valid. With Maeve and Arobynn gone, no one was going to interfere with his business and he's be the most powerful man in that area. "So, I nudged him a little with some help." That, Dorian didn't know.

The bell rang. Dorian was at a loss of words when Chaol silently got up, as if expecting someone. Dorian followed him, and when Chaol opened the door, Dorian's mouth gaped open at the person on the other side.


Unlike usual, Cairn tied her to a chair and left her. All alone.

Fenrys didn't enter until long after she'd awoken, fallen unconscious after all the blood loss. He wasn't tied up, and she had no idea where Gavriel was. All she remembered was his comatose state and the gunshot.

The blood was still leaking from where Cairn had also left the glass in her legs, her feet.

Each of Fenrys's steps told her enough before she beheld the deadness of his eyes, the pallor of his usually golden skin. He stared at nothing, even as he stopped before where she lay chained.

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