Chapter 16

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^Arobynn by DocWendigo on devianart

"I didn't believe I'd ever say this but I missed Chaol today." Celaena said beside him, as they walked out of their class. 

"You're making me sound like a boring company, Sardothein." Dorian said. 

"I don't think you're a boring company." Kaltain squeaked. She had that shrill, high pitched voice that made everything she said like a rat's squeak.

"Don't rub it in his face. His head is already far up in the clouds." 

His expression morphed into incredulity, which had both the girls with him chuckling. 

"I don't think you're boring, Havilliard. It's just that you both come in a pair. With Dorian's fun get Chaol's rules free. I missed him trying to talk me into not bunking the classes." 

Dorian smiled but he wondered if it was another reason for her not bunking Professor Quinn's class today. Something that had to do with yesterday's fight. 

"Is it your loyalty to Chaol that has your uniform primped up till now?" Kaltain cocked her to one side, almost in innocence. 

It was true. By the time the last bell rang, Celaena's shirt would get rolled up until elbows, socks pushed down and skirt creased. 

Celaena winked. "Something like that."

They'd almost reached the school gate when Kaltain's phone beeped, her face turning sour with whatever message it was. 

"I need to go. See you both tomorrow." Before Dorian could even process what happened, she'd made her way back inside the school. He turned to Celaena, but she was staring after Kaltain, like she knew something. He didn't push it. He didn't like forcing people to reveal things. If they wanted him to know, they'll tell him. Simple. 

"Why didn't Chaol come today?" Celaena stopped walking and leaned on the parking gate, digging  the mud with her shoe. He looked around, spotting the group of seniors leaning against their car not too far from here. He spotted the white haired guy, his hair swaying as if he just turned his face away. 

"He didn't pick up my call. I'm going to check up on him now. Want to join?" Dorian offered, even though he knew Chaol would get all closed up around her. Besides, he wanted to talk to Chaol alone right now. He never took a day off without informing Dorian. Now, no message, no call, nothing.

"I don't think it would be the best idea. I'll take the bus today. Thank you for all your help, yesterday for Aedion and for everything you've done for me since I have joined here. I don't say this often, but really, thank you, Dorian." She nodded, eyes gleaming with sincerity and cheeks tinted red almost as if she was embarrassed. 

"A tear or two would have made it more genuine." Celaena punched him lightly on his arm that had both of them wincing. His eyes narrowed but his phone ranged once. It was Chaol's message. 

I was sick after yesterday. Just woke up. 🤧

All the more reason to visit. He side hugged Celaena and went to his car. From the front window, his eyes landed on Rowan who looked at Celaena walking away for a mere second before turning to his friends. And just as he turned, Celaena lokked back at Rowan, sighed and got in the school bus. 

What a cliched teen movie scene. 

Dorian was not stupid. He knew there was something between Rowan and Celaena that had broken after yesterday's fight that had them both yanking on their respective pieces of broken thread. Especially after he had heard the little argument between them both in the class when he went after her. He just wanted her to be okay.

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