Nick Mason + Y/N Part 2

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"I could show you how the drums work." He added. Y/N stared at him for a second and Nick looked at Y/N concerned. "Uh Y/N...? Are you in there?" He said waving his hand in front of Y/N's face nervously.
"Of course I want to go with you!" Y/N shouted and hugged Nick smiling widely. Nick looked at Y/N with a smile and patted (his,her,their) head. "I'm glad you want to go." He chuckled. "We must get going then,come now."
"Okay!" Y/N jumps up and down excitedly.
"Get ready Y/N!" He grins,showing clear as day that he is up to something.
"For what Ni-!" Nick interrupted Y/N by picking (him,her,them) up B R I D A L S T Y L E. Y/N blushed turning red. "N-N-NICK! That isn't necessary!!!" Y/N stuttered still flushed.
"Calm down Y/N!" Nick chuckled as he carried Y/N,advancing towards the studio. The whole time Y/N looked up at Nick through his darkly tinted glasses as the feeling of embarrassment faded and was replaced with another feeling...comfort....
Y/N smiled. "Your really to much,Nick."
"I may have to agree with you." Nick responded smiling and looking down at Y/N. Finally they reached the studio and Nick put Y/N done carefully,to not hurt (him,her,them).
Nick then ran to the door and held it open for Y/N and bowed. Y/N giggles at him and (bowed,curtsied) to him. "Thank you kind sir!" Y/N joked. "Your welcome (sir,madam)!" He replied back. Y/N looked around in awe. "Nick is that really your drum set?!" Y/N ran to it looking at every inch in amazement (he,she,them) removed the sunglasses to see better. "Yes Y/N." He smiled retrieving his sunglasses from Y/N's hands,sliding them into his pocket. Nick handed Y/N the drumsticks and Y/N looked at him shocked. "Really Nick?!" Y/N gasped. "Yes sit down!" Nick smiled leading Y/N to the stool. Y/N looked at the drum set a bit intimated. Nick saw this and grabbed Y/N's hands and looked down at (him,her,them). "Do like so."He said and He then started to play a rhythm with the drum sticks in Y/N's hands. After a minute he stopped and let go of Y/N's hands.
"Al-Alright!" Y/N smiled and hit the cymbal.
"Alright you can hit the Cymbal,good job." Nick joked.
Y/N hit the snare drum and the cymbal a few more times then looked at Nick. "I think I got it!"
Nick nodded. "Good! Go on and show me!"
Y/N then proceed to hit all around the drums like a fucking 3 year old with a toy drum set. Nick couldn't tell if Y/N was trying to be a smart ass or if Y/N was actually trying but ether way he clapped.
Y/N smilied. "Thank you!"
"It could use some work though." He chuckled scratching his head.
"Yeah..." Y/N laughed nervously.
After Y/N's masterful performance (aka banging on the drums) Nick taught Y/N some basics. After an hour or so Y/N had slightly improved. Nick sat down on Rick's piano bench and yawned. "Sorry Y/N...I'm tired."
"It's alright Nick." Y/N stood up from the drums and approached him. "Shall we go to my house then?" Nick suggested.
"If you'd like...I'd like to buy you something though..." Y/N blushed. "A surprise..."
"Oh alright." Nick smiled leading Y/N out to the car,holding (his,her,their) hand...
The whole car ride home Nick wondered what Y/N wanted to buy him. What could it be...? Nick pulled up to his house and he stepped out of the car letting Y/N use his car to go out and buy whatever it was Y/N wanted to buy. Nick waved Y/N good bye and went inside and made some tea to warm up as he waited on Y/N,thinking of all the possibilities for gifts...
Nick was drifting off to sleep when he heard a knock on the door. He ran quickly to the door excitedly. He opened the door and Y/N was standing outside it with a box in hand. "Y/N!" He shouted excitedly. "What'd you get?!"
"Nick! Just wait a moment!" Y/N said laughing.
Y/N smiled and walked over to the table putting the box down on the table. Nick ran after Y/N practically jumping off the walls.
Y/N laughed. "Well Nick! Open it!"
Nick slowly opened the box shaking with excitement as Y/N watched smiling. Nick finally opened the box all the way...what was inside made his face drain of it's color...
"WHAT IS THIS Y/N?!"  Nick stared into the box,his color started to return as a bright red shade of anger rushed across his face.
"What do you mean? It's just a pie?" Y/N looked at him confused.
"YEAH! A PIE WITH C R U S T !" He yelled.
"What about the crust...?" Y/N at this point was incredibly confused.
"WHAT ABOUT THE C R U S T ? ! " He slammed his hand on the table. "WHAT ARE YOU A SIMPLETON?! YOU DON'T EAT THE C R U S T !"
"Oh...sorry?" Y/N was not sure what to think,Nick had all of a sudden freaked out at the sight of pie crust.
"Nick...are you okay?" Y/N asked like a dumb ass horror movie character who doesn't have the slightest idea of when to get the fuck out of there.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME Y/N?!" He screamed then pulled a "one of my turns" and threw the pie at Y/N. Y/N dodged it and ran to hide behind the couch.
"I'm sorry Nick!" Y/N screamed. "I didn't know!"
Nick grew more angry at this. How would someone not know?! It's obvious! You don't eat pie crust!
Nick stopped his rampage for a moment. "Y/N...Are you saying you eat P-P-Pie crust...?" He stuttered.
"Y-Yeah...?" Y/N said slowly.
Nick stood stunned. How had he allowed a pie crust eater into his life and home?!
"Y/N YOU BETRAYED ME!" He screamed in pure rage. "YOU ATE PIE CRUST ALL ALONG!!!"
"Nick I'll never eat pie crust again!"
"It's to late for that..." Nick reached into his pocket,his hands shaking in rage that a pie crust eater was before him.
"Nick what are you doing...?" Y/N asked afraid.
Nick pulled his sunglasses out of his pocket and slammed them against the table until they broke down the middle. He grabbed one half of the sunglasses and walked towards the couch that Y/N hide behind.
"I TRUSTED YOU Y/N!!! BUT YOU TURNED OUT TO BE ONE OF THEM!!!" He screamed furiously.
Nick then proceeded to fucking stab Y/N to death with his sunglasses

Suddenly Roger peaked his head out from behind the door of one of the rooms in Nicks flat and glared at him.
"Nick! Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to play the bass! You said I could come over here because it'd be quite! So stop making so much damn noise!" Roger then slammed the door shut "what the fuck is Nick doing for it to be so damn loud..." He muttered then he went back to trying to write some song about his dad or politics.

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