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Louis- Eduardo Verastegui


Tanya yawns turning onto her back, boredom getting to her.

It's been a day since she and Alexander left Roman & Partner, Attorney at Law and he hasn't contacted her since. She figures he's too busy playing kiss-ass to his fiancée and father to think of her and honestly it doesn't faze her.

Leaving a woman alone in an unfamiliar city by herself...such a smart idea.

At least he had the decency to leave her in one of the most popular hotels in the city...yet she's been in her room watching TV like the inner introvert she is... she should be taking advantage of this opportunity and not stay locked away in her room.

She's almost a hundred percent sure her husband is out and about with his fiancée.

Looking at the booklet they have in the room, Tanya browses the activity page and her eyes zoom in on the words Olympic size pool. That sounds fun.

Getting out of bed, Tanya walks towards her bags at the corner of the room and searches through it for the swimsuit she packed. She wasn't too sure what could happen in Atlanta but her mother has always told her to be prepared, so whenever she leaves home an outfit for almost every occasion is packed.

Tanya pulls out the Ziploc with five pairs of swimsuits and starts going through it. She finally decides on a black bikini with thick silver straps, a French cut bottom and a top with a diagonal cut. It's a TanRhode original, created in the living room of her apartment.

She puts on the suit, smiling as it fits like a glove before pulling on a floral tent dress and flip flops. She grabs a bag, her card and her cellphone on the way out deciding she might be at the pool for a while and Carmen will be off in roughly an hour.

Once Tanya had awoken yesterday, she immediately informed Carmen that she was there safely and early this morning Carmen had replied, saying she'll call in the afternoon when she's off.

The time difference is just three hours so it's not that taxing on them.

It's ten minutes later when she finds the indoor pool and her mouth drops at the size of it. They aren't joking when they say Olympic size.

The area is lit with bright yellow lights and it almost looks like the sun is shining in the area. People move about, the buzz of conversation echoing around the room and she raises a brow watching the attractive males that prance around.

Now she knows why the does flock to the watering hole...the bucks here have some mighty fine antlers...Damn...

Tanya finds herself a lounge chair as a pair of blonde girls exit the pool area, leaving their spaces up for grabs. As Tanya perches herself on the chair, a shadow falls upon her.

Tanya looks up, her eyes trailing from a pair of tight-fitting red trunks to a firm and ripped abdomen to a broad chest and finally landing on a handsome face. She tries hard not to look back down on the front of his trunks, because lets be honest he's packing mighty fine antlers... not as much as Alexander but let's be honest Alexander's obviously part alien.

I mean it's so bi...wait, why am I thinking of that jerk when a fine specimen is standing right in front of me? Priorities, Tanya. Tanya mentally scolds herself.

"Hello," she says at the man, taking note of his shaggy brown hair and mischievous green eyes.

"Bonjour, belle ... Puis-je m'asseoir à côté de toi?" he asks with a thick and seductive French accent...

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