Chapter Five: Food! Glorious Food!

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After an hour of cooking and rounding up spices and herbs; Dempsey and I finished making dinner. The smell was absolutely intoxicating. We nibbled some carrots and peas as we brought the food back to Takeo and Nikolai. Though, my stomach clenched at the thought of being the one have to go up to Richtofen's office to bring him his meal. Dempsey had protested at giving him any of the food at all before I convinced him it was the right thing to do.

We opened the door to the living quarters where we had seen the two men before. The smell of food wafted in with us as Nikolai perked up.

"Do I smell food? This does not smell like Dempsey's cooking!" Nikolai said, with strong suspicion, as he turned around to see us now at the table filling out the plates.

"Small woman, did you make this?" Nikolai asked as he came closer to watch.

I gave him a nod as I finished filling out his plate before I was enveloped in two large arms - as well as the fetid stench of vodka - and given a tight bear hug. Dempsey laughed as Takeo shook his head, clearly displeased by the Russian's outburst of affection.

Nikolai put me down before grabbing his plate and shuffling off to sit at his makeshift bed. The room was fairly large but you could still hear him scoff and slurp as he devoured the meal. Takeo had taken his plate off Dempsey and was now seated at the table as he gracefully ate away.

Dempsey put my plate at an empty seat and beckoned me over. I was torn between taking a seat and giving Richtofen his food. After a small eternity of inner conflict; I knew it was the right thing to do to see to Richtofen first. As much as I dreaded seeing him. Dempsey read the look on my face and dejectedly passed me Richtofen's share.

I hurried across out into the cold air towards the dreaded building. My heart raced as I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. I made my way up the stairs and turned to make my way down the hallway towards Richtofen's office. My boots tapped the tiled floor with each labored step as my mind was trying to talk me out of it before I got there. Unfortunately, I did make it to his door and stood bracing myself before knocking.

His room sounded empty and I began to wonder if he was even in before a voice called out.

"Are jou just going to stand zhere and not even knock?" Richtofen spat from the other side of the door.

It was so creepy how he could sense your presence like that.

"I brought you some food. You should eat, Doctor", I tried to say calmly.

"I don't vant anyzhing. I can feed meinshelf if I vish. I've long since known not to eat anyzhing zhat American has prepared", Richtofen replied defiantly.

I was getting hungrier and just wanted him to hurry up and take the food.

"Well, Doctor. I've cooked dinner this time and I'm going to have to get you to try it so you can tear my cooking abilities to shreds and tell me all about how disgusting it was", I said hoping to coax him out with some baited sarcasm.

Suddenly, the door flung open and Richtofen towered over me. He cautiously eyed the food before leaning down to sniff at the plate I was holding. His face was contorted in his usual look of disgust.

"It looks good and it smells good - doesn't it?" I said trying to tempt him into taking the plate.

"Nein, I don't vant any!" Richtofen snapped. He was acting like a complete child.

"How will you be able to tell me my food is crap? I need someone whose criticism is as unbridled as yours!" I cried, deliberately being over-dramatic.

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