Chapter Fifteen: Allies

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Richtofen awoke in his office slumped across his desk. The device was still cycling through the playlist and now played a new song; it was familiar but he had never heard it. Richtofen sat up and got his bearings before realising he had been dreaming. The thought was subsequently thrown to the wayside as he focused on the song trying to decipher its familiarity.

It was Kiana, she was singing. It was not perfect but it was still pleasant and hearing her voice soothed his nerves. He pressed a button to illuminate the device - the song was titled "Paramore- Decode Cover".

"How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind.
I can't win your losing fight,
All the time..."

Richtofen closed his eyes, feeling the sorrow in her voice - but he did not delight in this. He continued to listen intently to the words before he was taken aback by one of the stanzas.

"...The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all,"

Richtofen's eyes suddenly opened. The words hit like a blow to the stomach - like he was the intended recipient of her sorrow. The thought of Samantha's words echoed in tandem as he felt a pang in his heart.

"But you won't take away my pride,
No not this time,
Not this time,
My thoughts you can't decode."

Richtofen's heart began to race at the force in her voice.

"Jou are a monster", a voice rang in his head.

Richtofen closed his eyes before composing himself. He stopped the song and stood up before releasing a deep sigh. He buttoned the collar of his shirt and adjusted his tie before putting on his jacket, gloves and visor. The leather gloves creaked and groaned in protest as he slipped his hands into them.

A blend of voices made their way in through the open window causing his ears to prick up - it was laughter. He walked over to the window to investigate. Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey sat playing cards as Kiana watched. Her face was full of life as she laughed at Dempsey's attempt to teach the two men the game.

"No Tak, that's not how you-- fuck sake Nikolai! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY IT!" He yelled in frustration.

Kiana fell from her seat and was now rolling around in a fit of laughter. Richtofen thought of how his attempts at interrogation resulted in her falling into the very same kind of laughter.

"I don't sound like zhat", he murmured, as he recalled the quote she had recited.

His voice was deep, sonorous and decidedly German. Not the high pitched impression which pushed even her vocal chords to their limit. His thoughts were interrupted by the unrefined growl of Dempsey's voice.

"Yeah, well why don't you teach them then?" He was standing over Kiana and clearly not amused by her outburst.

Kiana rose to her feet wiping tears from her cheek as she tried to console herself.

"No way, they're a lost cause! Did you see Nikolai?" She cried falling back into the clutches of laughter.

Dempsey's frown evolved into a smile and he began laughing too. This confused Richtofen - she was not taking him seriously after all.

He watched on as Dempsey put his arm around Kiana before lifting her up, earning a scream of laughter from her. Nikolai and Takeo were now engrossed in the display as they looked on.

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