Chapter Twenty: Reflections

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Kiana awoke in her bed. She was surprised at first as to how she had ended up in her bed but quickly realised it was likely Takeo's doing. He really did look out for her. Kiana got up and looked outside; but, strangely, no one was around. The dark winter mornings made it difficult to see much but she felt a pit in her stomach - and a feeling of worry.

She turned to look at the door and, for the first time, she actually wished Richtofen was behind it ready to burst through in his usual manner. She hastily got up and dressed before producing a shearling peacoat from the wardrobe. As Kiana reached out to place her hand on the knob of the door; she felt the weight of dread on her shoulders.

She took a deep breath before quickly turning the knob and opening the door. Again, no one was there. The hallway was blacked out as not a single bulb was lit. Her heart began to beat faster as she quickly unholstered her pistol. She quietly closed the door behind her before making her way to Richtofen's office as it was nearest. As she traversed the dark musty hallway her heart rang through her ears. Gingerly opening the door to the stairwell, Kiana made her way up to the next level.

Once she reached the landing, she pressed her back against the wall and looked around to check the next hallway was clear. She knew she would encounter the undead sooner or later but she prayed she would not have to do it alone. The door let out a small creak as she made her way into the hallway.

Richtofen's office was not far, Kiana reminded herself. She quietly made her way towards the door taking caution at any offices whose doors were left open. Once she reached his door, she pressed an ear against it in a vain attempt to hear if anything was on the other side. Nothing. Kiana took a deep breath as she readied her pistol and opened the door with the other hand. The room was empty.

The heavy atmosphere began to make her feel light-headed as her mind quickly jumped to rash conclusions of being completely alone or abandoned. She quickly regained her composure, entering the room and closing the door behind her. Surely something in the room would indicate what happened - Richtofen rarely left the office. Suddenly, a small figure caught her eye standing in the far corner. The gun clicked as Kiana took aim before advancing to investigate.

"Who's there?!" Kiana said sternly trying to hide any trace of nerves.

The figure stood with its back to her but the long matted black hair conveyed that it was a little girl. Kiana lowered her gun.

"Samantha, is that really you?" Her voice was morose at seeing the child like this.

"Jou learn quick", a shrill female German accent escaped the figure.

Slowly, Samantha turned around to face Kiana.

"Oh, Samantha. I'm so sorry about what happened to you", Kiana cried tearfully.

"Und do jou know who did zhis?!" Samantha screeched before lunging at Kiana who swiftly dodged in time.

"HE DID THIS TO ME", Samantha cried as her voice became deep and demonic.

"I know", Kiana replied dejectedly as she sat down at the desk.

Samantha stopped and cocked her head to the side. She clearly had not expected this kind of response. Samantha turned to Kiana who no longer assumed an offensive stance. The little girl slowly padded over to Kiana before leaning to whisper in her ear.

"I vant him dead", Samantha growled lowly.

Kiana put her head in her hands.

"I know, Samantha", Kiana whispered back.

"He vants to taint jou. He is sick", Samantha replied as if she was aware of Kiana's awkward relationship with him.

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