Winter Formal (Wally West x Reader)

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  Hey guys! I am soooooooo sorry and I know I have said those words a million times but I just suck at updating quickly. I was trying to do some requests but the inspiration wasn't coming to me so I came up with a different chapter instead. If you made a request just bear with me because I promise I've tried to write things three different times and my brain is just failing me right now but I promise the requests will happen. For now I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think.
  I'm walking down the school hallway and pass my crush Wally. We aren't close friends but we talk sometimes. He's a flirt but he never flirts with me to my dismay.
  He waves at me and then winks at one of the older girls. He's only a grade higher than me but sometimes I feel like he thinks of me as a kid. It's depressing but I'm forced to deal with it.

  I shuffle through the clusters of students to my next class and slouch in my desk. I slip on my jacket because Mr. Thomson's class was always freezing. Math has never been my favorite subject but I manage to pass....barely.

  I look out the door and I can see the same poster across the hall that's in every crowded area of the school. Winter formal Dec. 10 girls ask the guys. Looks like I won't be getting a date.

  Mr. Thomson begins the class and I try to pay attention. I can't help but be depressed the whole class. I can't seem to stop thinking about Wally and how he'd never like me.

  After the horrid class is over I head to lunch. I pass at least three of those posters on my way to my locker and two more on my way to the lunch room.

  Geez they really want people to know about this thing. It's almost a whole month away but everyone talks about it like it's tomorrow.

  I'm sitting at my usual table in the back of the room with my food when I get an unexpected visitor. Someone sits across from me and I look up to see my favorite ginger staring back at me.

  "Oh, Wally!" I'm surprised because even though we talk sometimes he hardly pays any attention to me.

  "Hey, (Y/N)." He smiles brightly at me and pulls a strand of hair out of his freckled face. "Sorry, I know we don't talk much but I figured you could use a friend. You seemed kind of down and you're always alone. Plus," he looks me in the eye with the most adorable grin ever, "I wanted to get to know you better."

  "Oh," I hesitate nervously, "Um, thanks Wally. That's really nice of you." I smile shyly at him and take a bite of my food trying my hardest to eat without looking stupid.

  He clears his throat and crosses his arms on the table. "So what do you like to do when you're not at school?" He asks. He seems genuinely interested and I find that extremely adorable. It's hard to find any decent men these days.

  I swallow my food and pause to think, "Well, I like reading and playing video games." I smile timidly at him.

  "That's cool!" He says. "What do you play?"

  "Um, I play Assassins Creed, and skyrim." I tell him. I'm beginning to get more comfortable as the conversation becomes more natural.

  "That's nice." He says. "I play Assassins Creed but I haven't played Skyrim."

  "You should try it." I tell him, "It's a medieval style game and you can do a lot of different things."

  "Do you play it a lot?" He asks.

  "No, not really." I tell him, "Mostly just when I get bored of reading."

  He nods and his face lights up after a moment as if he just had a great idea. "Hey, have you been to that new cafe across the street?" He asks waiting patiently for my answer.

  "No." I tell him. "I've been meaning to go but I haven't had the time. I might go today though."

  "I usually go on thursdays and since that's today we could head over together after school if you wamted?" He offers.

  "Oh, uh, y-yeah sure." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and try not to blush. I know it's not a date but even hanging out with him for more than three seconds would be heaven for me.

  "Sounds good then." He says, "I'll meet you at the gate after school then but I have to get to my next class."

  "Oh, okay. See you then I guess." We wave goodbye and I try not to squeal inside myself. I handled that meeting way better than expected.

  After school I meet Wally at the gate like he said and we walk to the cafe across the street from our school. It's a cute little place and after we grabbed our drinks we sat at a table by the window.

  I got a hot (F/D) and tried to wrap my jacket tighter around myself as I sipped the delicious beverage that Wally so graciously paid for.

  "So," I said breaking the silence, "What do you do in your free time?"

  "Oh, nothing much." he tells me. "I usually just hang out with my friends or go for a run. I'll play video games sometimes too." He sips his drink and I watch his ginger red hair fall infront of his eyes.

  I take a bite out of the pastry I had ordered and he chuckles. "What?" I ask confused.

  "You have icing all over the corner of your mouth." He says. He reaches across the table and wipes it off with his thumb.

  I smile at him with gratitude for the gesture that had made my face boil. He chuckles again and says, "Y'know we could make this a routine. Come here together on thursdays and just talk."

  "Yeah." I say, "I'd like that." I smile again feeling my face heat up for the third time in two seconds. I could tell that Wally and I would have a blossoming friendship. Whether he liked me or not.

One month later:
  Today is the day. Today will be the day that I ask Wally to go to the dance with me. The dance is in two weeks and I didn't want to wait any longer. I just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.

  When we met at the cafe that day after school I sat across from him in our usual spot with my usual beverage. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture with that adorable grin of his.

  "Wally, this might be weird but can I ask you a question?" I wrap my cold fingers around the warm drink in my hand and wait for a response.

  "Yeah, what's up?" He says expectantly.

  "Will you...will you go to the winter formal with me?" The last bit came out kinda fast and I didn't know if he had heard me properly at first but then he smiled and put his head back dramatically.

  "Ugh, finally!" He said, "For a while there I thought I'd have to break the rules and ask you."

  I smile brightly for a moment and say, "So that's a yes right?"

  Part 2 anyone? 😁💙

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