Little Slice of Heaven (Wally West x Reader)

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Everyone was sitting in the living room of the hideout getting ready to have a movie marathon when I went to grab some snacks. I loaded a tray with bowls of chips, cheese it's, Cheetos, and crackers. I added a couple different bowls of dip and started grabbing drinks out of the fridge. M'gann offered to help me carry all of this and I was beginning to wish I had accepted.
"Could I actually get some help in here?" I call out to the others. M'gann starts to respond but Wally is here in less than a second.
"Hello, Beautiful. No need to worry the Wallman is here to help." He says enthusiastically. I giggle at his adorable stupidity. I'm about to grab a cookie and realize there's only one left. Guess this one's mine then. I think to myself.

"Ooh, cookies!" Wally says, and speeds over to the cookie jar only to be disappointed.
"Aww man!" He says sulking.
I giggle and say, "Here Wally I'll give you half." I'm about to break the cookie in half when he says, "Well, I like my idea better."
"And what would that be?" I ask.
"This!" He speeds over a takes the cookie right out of my hand.

"Wha-?! Wally!" I exclaim. "Give it back!"
I lunge at him to no avail as he speeds around me in circles just to show off.

When he stops I turn around to see him on the other side of the counter leaning on his elbows with the cookie halfway in his mouth. He probably thinks I'm just gonna walk away, but I won't give him that satisfaction. I smile slyly as I lean over the counter and bite off half the cookie with my teeth, our noses just barely brushing each other.

When I pull away I look at him to see a deep blush on his face. I smile triumphantly as I take a bite out of my half of the cookie and grab the tray of snacks.
"Don't forget to grab the drinks when you're done blushing." I say smirking.

A couple minutes later Wally walks out to the living room carrying the drinks. I look at him and when he notices me he winks with all traces of nervousness gone, and this time it's my turn to blush. He comes to sit beside me as the movie starts and pulls the yawn-and-put-your-arm-arround-the-girl trick, causing me to blush even more.

After the movie, Artemis suggests that we play truth or dare. We all agree (even though I know it's a bad idea) and sit in the middle of the floor.
"I'll go first." She says. "(Y/N), truth or dare?"
"Dare." I say.
"Great! I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Wally." She says with the most evil laugh I have ever heard.
"I hate you." I say. "M'kay, c'mon Wally."
"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" He protests.
" Nope. Let's go!" I say wanting to get this over with.

We're shoved into a closet so small that Wally and I are only two feet apart.
"So..." I say. "What now?"
"Umm... Well... I..." He stutters.
I roll my eyes at his sudden stroke of shyness and say, "Wally, if you want to kiss me just say so, but we're wasting time just standing he-" my sentence was cut off by someone's lips being pressed against mine.

It takes a couple seconds to register before I begin to kiss him back. He tangles his fingers in my hair with one hand and pulls me by my waist with the other. I moan slightly at the touch of his lips on my own causing an opening for him to slip his tongue into my mouth so that it intertwines with mine. We continue this for several minutes until Robin comes to get us. He sees what's going on and awkwardly closes the door so we can continue.

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