Chapter 1

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Author Notes: hello! I just wanted to start this out by saying that I have never read any of the Harry Potter books (I know this is very sad), so the information from the story is based on the movies and other fan fictions that I have read. So, please don't correct me when something does not match up to the books because I am aware it does not match. I hope you all enjoy the story I have for you guys and just a pre warning, the first few chapters will be a little slow but I promise they will soon pick up the pace! Let me know what you guys think!!


    Coming to Hogwarts, as a new student, during her sixth year was not what Rosemary was expecting to happen. But here she was, standing in front of the closed doors to the Great Hall awaiting to hear her name be called by Professor Dumbledore. Her hands were clenched tightly in a fist at her sides as she took a deep breath, taking in all her surroundings. Hogwarts was bigger than she was expecting and nothing like her brother or parents described to her as a child. The walls filled with paintings that were whispering to one another as they stared down at her. Shyly, she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at her feet as she knew what they must be talking about.
    Warwick was a name almost everyone in the wizarding world was familiar with. The Warwick family was strictly purebloods and all attended Hogwarts growing up. The whole family was placed in Slytherin during their respected times here at Hogwarts. Elosie and Ryder Warwick both met at Hogwarts and turned out to be powerful, yet a dangerous pair of wizards and witches. Both are known to be Death Eaters and surve Lord Voldemort with every inch of their life. Their eldest, Ezra Warwick, is most known for aiding in the attempt to assist Lord Voldemort into Hogwarts to capture the famous Harry Potter just a few years ago. He managed to flee before getting caught and sent to Azkaban.
    The Warwicks have a son, Ezar, and a daughter that they have kept hidden from the world. Rosemary Warwick is the youngest in the family and only a handful of people know about her. Elosie decided after she was born, to keep her a secret from the rest of the wizarding world to protect her from any danger. Elosie and Ryder taught her themselves, instead of sending her to Hogwarts. Until one night, Lord Voldemort showed up at their home and demanded that they go with him. Rosemary hid, as even Voldemort did not know about her existence. He took them, leaving Rosemary all alone until Professor Dumbledore showed up and instructed her to come to Hogwarts where she would be safe.
    So, now everyone in the wizarding world is about to know about Rosemary's existence. Rosemary could hear chattering on the other side of the doors she stood in front of. "Silence everyone." she could hear Dumbledore announce as the chattering soon went quiet. Her heart began to race as she knew it was about her time to expose herself to everyone. "Now that the sorting ceremony is over for the first years, I would like to introduce all of you to our new student who will need to be sorted into her house." his voice bellowed and even Rosemary could hear it clearly behind the doors.
    The doors in front of her swung open and all eyes fell onto her as she forced herself to begin walking down the long stretch up to the front. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Rosemary Warwick, our new sixth year student." Dumbledore announced with a half smile on his face. Rosemary could hear the whispers begin to erupt as she walked steadily towards Dumbledore.
"It can't be, I thought the Warwicks only had a son, Ezra."
"I heard rumors they had a daughter that they kept hidden."
"She can't be here, she is a danger to all of us, just like her brother was."
    She could hear all the whispers around her as she walked and her eyes scanned the people surrounding her. Her eyes locked with Harry's for a split second before he looked away and mumbled something to the boy and girl sitting next to him. The two looked towards her and she could see a hint of sympathy in the girl's eyes that sat next to Harry. Rosemary continued to walk, the walk seemed like it went on forever before she made it to the front. She looked up at Professor Dumbledore and she looked down at her from standing behind the podium. "It is now time to see where Miss Warwick will be placed." He said and looked back out to the sea of students.
    Rosemary took her seat on the stool and took a deep breath. Her eyes again scanned the room and then suddenly fell on a boy she had seen before. Draco Malfoy. Growing up, Draco knew about Rosemary due to their families always being around one another and his dad also being a Death Eater. Draco and Rosemary never got along as he and her brother always were with each other and Rosemary wanted nothing to do with whatever they were up to. Draco gave her a sly smirk and her gaze shifted from him and onto the floor. Dumbledore was speaking but it all was a blur to Rosemary as her thoughts had taken over.
    The sorting hat was placed on her head and she closed her eyes. She knew she was going to be placed in Slytherin, as that was where all her family was placed. "Ah, another Warwick." the sorting hat's voice filled her head. "But not a first year, no we have a sixth year." it went on to say. Her thoughts were being blocked by the sorting hat's voice and she just wanted to be sorted already so all eyes would be off of her. "I know where I will put you...Hufflepuff!" the hat announced.
    Rosemary quickly opened her eyes, and the room was dead silent. Even the professors sitting behind her were in shock. Hufflepuff was the last house Rosemary was expected to be sorted into. Dumbledore took the hat off of her head steadily and gestured over to where all the other Hufflepuffs were seated. She slowly rose to her feet and walked over to the table assigned to her new house. No one wanted to approach her, until she saw a young man walking over to greet her. "Hello, and welcome to Hufflepuff." he said with a warm smile on his face. "I'm Cedric Diggory, it's nice to meet you Rosemary." he added and for a brief second she felt like a normal girl.

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