Chapter 4

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(Author Note: Ah, sorry I have taken so long to update! School was taking up all my time, but now that it is summer break I will be able to update more frequently! I really hope you enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback xoxo.)

Rosemary was in awe that Harry Potter was demanding her to answer questions about her and her family. Does he not know how much her family doesn't like him and how her brother just a few years ago tired leading Voldemort right to him, she thought. He has a lot of nerve doing this. "And what is it you want to talk about?" Rosemary demanded, crossing her arms over her chest and looking him in the eye. She needed him to know that he did not intimidate her.

"Could we do it somewhere more..." he paused and looked around as everyone was still gathered and watching them. "Privately." He finished. His two friends nervously looked at Harry and then back at Rosemary. "Fine. Lead the way then." Rosemary responded and she heard Aspen sigh from next to her, obviously disappointed in her response.

"This is probably not going to end well." Rosemary heard Harry's redheaded friend mumble to the girl standing next to him and she just shook her head in response. Rosemary followed Harry and his two friends down the hallway, not even looking back at the group of people she was leaving behind. The three friends all walked next to each other, whispering amongst themselves and occasionally looking back at Rosemary. As they continued to walk, Rosemary was admiring the school as she still hadn't gotten the chance to look around.

Harry turned a corner sharply, almost throwing Rosemary off their track. They appeared in front of a doorway and as Harry's friend pushed through the doors, Rosemary noticed that they were now in what appeared to be the library. There were shelves upon shelves of books and they went very high up, almost touching the ceilings. The books appeared to be placing themselves back in their designated spots, and it was a nice feeling as Rosemary always found herself in the library at her parent's manor. 

The three friends found an empty table in the back corner of the library, secluded and away from everyone that was already getting in their early studies. Rosemary sat in the chair on the other side of the table where the three others were sitting. There was an awkward, long silence between them as Harry kept his eyes glued onto Rosemary. Rosemary did not break the stare between the two of them, and she crossed her arms over her chest to seem more intimidating but in reality she was just getting cold and trying to keep herself warm. 

The girl, who was on Harry's right side, cleared her throat and this caused Rosie to break her stare from Harry and shift it over to the girl. "Harry, let's just get this over with. We really don't need to be bothering her." She said in somewhat of a whisper. The redheaded boy let out a small chuckle. "Bloody hell Hermione, your the one that insisted that Harry come talk her right away." He said and slumped back into his chair. His gaze never met Rosemary's and based on his body language he was trying hard to seem relaxed but Rosemary could tell he was uncomfortable. 

Rosemary looked back towards Harry, and waited for him to talk. She studied him, and it seemed as though he was trying hard to find the right thing to say. "Right, so..." he paused and ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a small sigh before continuing, "where the fuck have you been hiding and why are you here?" he bluntly said. Rosemary raised her eyebrows and sat back in her chair. So this is how it is going to go. 

She could feel a smile starting to form on her lips and she had to refrain herself from laughing. Confrontation, was not her friend  and she never knew how to control herself in situations like these. Her mother had always told her that she needed to learn how to keep everything within and show no sigh of emotion when one was confronting her. This clearly was still a work in progress. 

"Well, the last 16 years of my life I have been at the Warwick Manor." She started and sat forward, moving her chair closer to the table. "My parents kept me a secret from the wizarding world, not even Voldemort knew of my existence. Before you ask, I don't know why I was kept a secret. My mother always told me it was for my own good." Rosemary added and kept her eyes locked with Harry's. "One night, Voldemort showed up at our manor and demanded my parents come with him. I stayed hidden and after they where gone, Dumbledore came for me." She said, finishing her story that she knew she would have to recite again to probably a dozen more people. 

Harry studied her, probably trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or not. "Where is your brother?" He finally asked, and Rosemary shrugged her shoulders. "I couldn't tell you, after he tried helping Voldemort get to you, we haven't heard from him. Or at least I haven't." She responded and fiddled with her fingers. 

"She is probably lying Harry, you can't trust a word she says." The redheaded boy spat. He seemed to be growing angry and Rosemary didn't blame him. She would probably feel the same way if she were in their situation. 

"Ron, quiet." Hermione mumbled and looked back to Rosemary. Rosemary could tell Hermione was trying her hardest to believe what she was saying. Hermione had sympathy in her eyes and and then looked away quickly, back towards Harry. 

Harry opened his mouth, about to speak but a voice from behind Rosemary interrupted him.  "Potter, what are you pestering Warwick for?" The voice said and before Rosemary could turn around she knew who the voice belonged to. Now standing beside her was none other than Draco Malfoy. 

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