Alexander's Journey to Female Freedom

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The air was so tense you could hardly breathe, but then again, I did have a wild imagination. I mean, at least I couldn't breathe, do you know how hard it is to be the only girl on an all guys soccer team!? But, I also have to wear a binder, to disguise as a guy. (*suffocates* bleh.) I wish I were a normal kid, but NO. Okay, how did I end up here? It's a long story, and you're about to hear it firsthand!

My name is Alexander, And you, my dear friend, are about to witness a crazy story...

In this world, women/girls are discriminated against. Therefore to do almost ANYTHING besides cook, clean, and make your boyfriend/husband happy. The reason I didn't add any girls is because LGBTQs are also discriminated against. So, if I was openly lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc. I would get executed. At least they have the decency not to execute them in public. They go their house, witch I think is even more terrifying, but, back to the topic at hand! According to the rest of the world, women have no other purpose. So, I invented something to flatten my chest, it makes me look like a male. All I needed was a sewing machine, some metal coat hangers, and a LOT of imagination. Witch I (thankfully) have.

I loved soccer, I had read about it, watched videos about it, researched about it, I got as much info as possible. Then I started working out, and taking medication for guys who were born without their Adam's apple, (Don't ask.) and getting used to talking and walking like a guy. Once I was ready, in my dads name, I signed his 'son' up for a soccer team! I was 17, so I knew how to drive a car. (More research, videos, reading. Even some practice!) So I was able to drive there. I got myself a pixie cut too!


The next week was our first practice. I drove myself there, tried out, and made the team! I was exuberant! I was jumping up and down and put the music on full blast when I got in the pickup truck. That's when a cop car started following me and I slowed down, and put on my guy voice. I didn't hide the pill bottle because I was prescribed it, and surely they won't take it away, right...? Dear lord, I hope not... I pulled into the breakdown lane and he was right behind me. He sauntered out of the cop car, put both hands on my window, and leaned in very slowly. "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" He asked me. "No I do not, sorry Officer. I was exited and got distracted. It won't happen again Officer." I replied in a calm manner."Sir do you happen to have any dangerous weapons in here?" He asked me very accusingly. "No I do not Officer." I was starting to get nervous. He asked all the usual questions, and THATS when I realized I wasn't wearing my binder...

He then asked me for a DRIVERS LICENSE. Witch I DON'T HAVE, because IM A GIRL and freaking STOLE her dads pickup truck. That's when my eyes flashed over to the speedometer for a quick second, to see if I could out-drive the police. Apparently he was used to this behavior because he got out the walky-talky and started spouting info about my vehicle while sprinting to his car. I took that as my chance to hit the gas. And that's how I became a fugitive at age 17....

But that's only the beginning- "Riley stop making this so dramatic, it's just a story." Jordan! You broke the fourth wall you ramen noodle! (One of my many nicknames for her...) *she hesitantly peeks to the other side and waves* as I was SAYING before I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED! *glares at Jordan* that's only part one but who knows what's coming next? Bye! "Bai!" STAHP TALKING IN WEIRD SPELLING! "Look at how you spelled stop. Really?" I'm a hypocrite, great-

Bai my pups! :D

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