*good chapter name*

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I was free. Driving on the open road for hours, days even! The police were chasing me, and I took a turn, and they went the other way..! *confused* oh. Ohhhhh- ok. (She has the power to make illusions.) ((oh crap- The fourth wall-))
I started BLASTING the radio again. It was playing 'Savage Love' by Jason Derulo. YOUR SAVAGE LOOOOOVE~ I sang out of key on the last part, but I didn't care. It was a good song- Still is-
It played some other songs, like Mad At Disney, Say So, The Search, and some others. At one point it started playing my playlist, witch is like, ALL NF songs- I'm not complaining-
I found a hotel for the night because like, sleep. It exists. Right..? I had also stolen dads credit card because I didn't know how long I'd be gone. And like, FOOD?? Also, why is this the CRAPPIEST hotel?!? AUTHOR-SAN!!! "CARE TO EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THE FOURTH WALL HAS BROKEN!?! ALEX?!?!?!" Eheh, NOPE!! *runs away*. Oh dear lord, let him have mercy. Fast foreword a couple days, it's been a week since I ran away, so that means a week since soccer practice. So, time to drive back there and get on the field or get booted. I walked outta the hotel, WITCH IS STILL CRAPPY!! AUTHOR-SAN!!! "gIvE tHe FoUrTh WaLL sOmE mErCy-" No. ANYWAY!!
I walked onto the field, coach barked at me for being 2 minutes late so I gave him 10 pushups for each minute that I was late, like last time. The whole time I was thanking god that I had trained since I was 15.

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