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On Twilights way home she was picking fruit she then enters her empty (except her suitcase)hut then she palaces the baskets of fruit on the ground then she picks up a basket of peaches.

Twilight:*thinks*(I need these for tomorrow.......Oh well i can just pick up some more)

She then walks out of her hut and heads to the beach to go stargazing when she gets there she sets down her basket and as soon as she's about to lay down she heard a branch snap.

Twilight:*turns her head around*Who's there?

???:Im sorry if scared you.

Then comes out a black and red hedgehog.(we all know oh it is😏)

Twilight:Actually its alright.


Twilight:............So would you like to join me?


Shadow then walks up then sits next to twilight.

Twilight:My name is twilight sparkle*the she pulls her hand out to shadow*What's yours?

Shadow:*takes Twilights hand then shakes it*Shadow...Shadow the hedgehog.

Twilight:*takes out her basket of peaches*Peach?

Shadow:Sure.*then takes one peach from the basket*

Then shadow takes a few bites of the peach then noticed that twilight was laying down and stairing at the night sky.

Shadow:What are you doing?



Twilight:What? You never heard of it?

Shadow:Well no?Mind telling me what it is?

Twilight:Sure!Stargazing is when you just...Stare at the night.

Shadow:That's it?

Twilight:Well it's more than that.


Twilight:lay down let me show you

Shadow:*lays down*Ok now tell me.

Twilight:Look at the sky.

Shadow:*looks up at the sky*

Twilight:When you're stargazing it takes your mind off of things that bothers you,all you have to think about is the millions and millions of stars in the sky.

Shadow:i see

Twilight:tell me about this island


Twilight:You know the places here, some people here,You know?


Shadow then starts to talk about how it's boring on the island,and how Eggman attacks regularly.

Twilight:wow i wonder why everyone is still here.

Shadow:Manly because there dumb

Twilight:Hey,That's not nice to say,aren't there heroes here?,you know to save them?

Shadow:there is,but there really bad at protecting.

Twilight:how so?

Shadow:There not responsible there lousy,and they always let Eggman escape.

Twilight:i see

Shadow:So tell me....


Shadow:How long have you been here?

Twilight:Since yesterday.

Shadow:so how will you earn money?

Twilight:well i started to sell fruit,I mean it's a start maybe I'll earn more tomorrow.

Shadow:because you'll use you magic

Twilight:Yes wait how did you know about my magic?

Shadow:Well there's been news going around town about a 'magical fruit seller' i guess that you?

Twilight:Well yeah if people call me that than yeah im the magical fruit seller.*chuckles*

Shadow:Be careful.


Shadow:you'll see tomorrow *Gets up then starts to leave


Shadow:*turns backs*Yeah?

Twilight:*get up then picks up her basket the catches up to shadow* maybe you should see the show?


Twilight:Ok well it was nice meeting you shadow.

Shadow:It was nice to meet you too *starts to walk to the village then turns his head back then waves*

Twilight:*waves back*

    Twilight then heads home and shadow teleported away.


    Last chapter for today i hope you liked it.Until next chapter my fellow shadtwi fans.Byeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋

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