Raiding the workshop part 1

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Shadow:I knew you'd find a way to make it work.....

Twilight:Aw thanks,So i was thinking since sonic and the others will try and interrogate me I'll distract them while you go into tails workshop.........

They basically made a plan to raid tails workshop,Heres the plan:Shadow will be near Twilight when she is selling fruit(He'll be in the forest or something)
Once sonic and his team come shadow will leave and twilight will stall them for around an hour.Shadow will go to tails workshop It'll take 5 minutes to get there,Once shadow is there he'll have 50 minutes to get all the things they need once shadow gets the things they need he'll leave and go back to twilight he'll try to secretly signal Twilight once Twilight sees the signal she'll go and walk home once she's walking in the forest shadow will join her and they walk back to Twilights place.
(Sorry you don't understand)

Twilight:So what do you think?

Shadow:That can work

They Finally made there way to Twilights house,

Twilight:So at 12:00?


Twilight:That's when we'll start.

Shadow:Ok I'll see at 12:00

They went there separate ways...

Sorry!I know these chapters are short but im making another chapter later today.See you next chapter my fellow shadtwi fans.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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