Confrontation part 2

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Twilights day was going great,she was selling so much fruit,entertaining the villagers,And making money Until...

Sticks:There she is!

Twilight turned her head to see Sonic and his team walking towards her....

Sonic:Im Sorry Everyone But The Show's Over!Please head Inside for your safety!

The Crowd Grumbles But they still head inside and twilight goes and starts to head To her place.

Sonic:Im Sorry Twilight but you have to stay.

Twilight turns her head.

Twilight:Again?You Know what happened last time?I suggest you stop focusing on me you should be more focused on Eggman.

Sonic:We just wanna ask you some questions.


Sonic:Ok so first of-


Twilight:Huh????What the hell are you talking about?

Sticks:Oh Don't Play du-

Twilight:Your wasting my time,You already chased away my customers for today I should be heading home now. Don't Follow me.

Twilight starts to head home..

With Shadow....

Shadow was on his way to tails workshop to steal some blueprints,he was able to get inside to see No one was there he knew that they might go after Twilight but twilight was able to take care of herself so he looked around the workshop for blueprints,But all he found was some blueprints For Boats.

Shadow:*Thinks*(Damm tails is a genius and all he has are blueprints for boats doesn't he have a Plane?Well I guess i should take these they'll be back any minute,This may affect our plans but we'll make it work)

Shadow took a blueprint for a boat then left...

The Boat:

(Its the best i Could find)

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(Its the best i Could find)

That's all for this chapter sorry if this is short but Don't worry the chapters will be longer.See you next chapter my fellow shadtwi fans.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

Runaway princess (Sonic boom AU)(Shadtwi)Where stories live. Discover now