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"Hey, good morning." Zen was about to leave her condo to buy some books, when suddenly an early call, make her dropped herself back on her bed.

Her boyfriend, Joss called early in the morning. That was a surprised to her since Joss is not a morning person, but remembering what day is it today, she couldn't help but to happily answered the call thinking that Joss would greet her.

Today is their 2nd Anniversary and she couldn't be any happier. She's in a relationship with the love of her life for 2 years already.

And more years to come!

Zen could still clearly remember how Joss chased her when they're on junior high.

She doesn't want to entertain any suitors or even relationship that time since she wants to enjoy her freedom.

Zen's mother died when she gave birth to her, that's why her father is so possessive and strict on her, and it doesn't help at all that she has two older possessive brothers. They put her in the pedestal, treating her like a porcelain doll no one dare to touch and no one's worthy enough to to have.

Because of her father and brothers protectiveness, she was home schooled instead of going to a regular school until she finished grade 10 and begged for them to let her go to a normal school.

The Jewel's request is granted. But she was surprised that she was enrolled to one of the top elite school in Thailand together with her cousin. But nonetheless, she was happy.

Zen met Joss in the school fair, where there are different clubs that is open for new members.

She was walking freely inside the campus. No one is following her like her security details or maybe they are just keeping their distance, she doesn't know. All she knew is that she's happy to felt like a normal person. Normal student.

"Do you play sports? Visit our club!" She startled when someone stood in front of her while holding a basketball ball on his left hand, against his torso and extending his right hand with a leaflet that has a big 'SPORTS CLUB' written on it.

She slowly took the leaflet and look up, just to be amazed how tall the guy is. Zen is aware that her 5 flat height, is too short than others, but this guy in front of her is making her feel like a freaking dwarf! She was just facing his broad chest.

When she looked up again, just to see the guy is smiling at her. Showing her that pearly whites and a small dimple on his left cheek.

"You're new, aren't you?" He asked still smiling.
She just nodded.

"Hmm.. If that's the case, then you need a club for extracurricular that also has some points to keep." He said but she just nodded, again. Don't know what to say.

The guy chuckled, "Oh, where are my manners?" Then stretched his arm in front of her again. "Joss Wayar. Senior high. President of Sport's club."

Oh! That explains his height! He was an athlete.

She reached his right hand to shake the guy's hand. "Zen. Junior high." She introduce her name not her surname. The guy has a big rough hands.

"Nice name. And nice meeting you. Hope you visit our club, it was nice to have a fresh new face."

After that day, she was recruited as one of the Sports club newest member since she was quite good at some sports. Having elder brothers is making her rowdy.

Everything is great.
Her new school is nice.
Her classmates are nice.
She's getting ace's in her academics. She love her club, not only because she likes to play sports, but also loving the special treatment that she gets from the club president himself.
There are even frequently offers for her to be a Prom Queen and on some modeling and advertising for the school, but she humbly decline, telling that she was busy enough with her academics and her club.

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