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"What took you so long?" Lee asked.

"Just finished my papers." He said as a matter of factly.

The regular semester will start on monday, but for other faculty like Medicine, Architecture and Engineering like them, it had started a week earlier that's why they already had school works to finish.
While the upcoming freshmen students under those three faculty will start nextweek together with the others since they still have to undergo some process to be fully admitted to their chosen faculty.

"The jackass are here, stealing our girls!" Yin said while peaking outside their band dressing room.

Looking directly at the center table in the bar that is currently occupied by the University's Varsity Team.

A smacked landed at the back of his head, making him to turn back his head, "Lee!" He said soothing his head.

"Aren't we supposed to be worrying about the drummer now?" Lee said, irritatingly to Yin.

Mond sighed. This is the first time Toptap isn't able to come to their gig. But they couldn't take it against him since his excuse was acceptable.

If either one of Lee or Arm couldn't make it, it was fine since they still have the other one, Mond is also playing guitar so it's okay.
If Yin is the one who couldn't make it, Arm can play the keys as well.
And if it was him, there's Lee to substitute him as the main vocal.
But for the drums, it was only Toptap who could play well on their band.

"Hey, guys!" A deep but lively voice gets the attention of the problematic band boys. A tall muscled bulky handsome guy enters the band's dressing room.

"Sawadee khub P'Max.." They greeted in union, and when another handsome guy walks in, unlike the first one this guy has muscles too but fit. The latter closed the door and lean his back over the closed door.
"Sawadee khub, P'Tul!" They greet.

Max and Tul are the owners of the Lux Bar, where they are hired to perform. They are also both their senior alumni.

"I heard from Arm that there's a little problem. What is it?" Max asked.

"Phi, Toptap can't play tonight. He's finishing his lab works." Yin aswered politely.

"Hmm.. Then that must be a big problem." Even Max himself doesn't know how to play drums.
When they are free or bored managing the bar, they often jammed with this youngsters band.


Then out of nowhere, "I've seen the kids that's hanging around at Sutthiluk's place before, outside." Tul said breaking the silence.

They have turn their heads to look at Tul, giving him questionable stares but only Max understand what the other meant.

"Is Maxx's younger brother with them?" Max asked, pertaining to one of their college best buddy's sibling.

Tul shakes his head, left to right. "But on his way. Their other friend picks him up."

Max wrinkles his forehead, "Isn't he old enough to go to a bar? But let his friends to pick him up?"
Tul chuckles, "He was old enough. As if those boys are not joining our drinking sessions before."
Remembering their other friend Pavel and Maxx was always dragging the boy together with his friends to join them on drinking that would always end up with a little jamming session since P'Mew, Pavel's older brother who happens to be also their friend, Pavel himself, Maxx and his younger brother are all musically inclined.

Max clapped his hands, making the band members confused. "Then your problems are all settled."

"What do you mean, Phi?" Lee asked.
Tul walked closer to Lee and tapped his left shoulder lightly. "I'll talked to him." he said and leaves the room.

"Is he good?" Yin cannot help but asked about the capability of their substitute drummer.

Max smiled, "He's one of the best, believed me. I have seen him performed before with his brother and cousins." Assuring the band members of their chosen substitute.


Fuse park his car beside James car. The three get out of the car, War talked some more to his cousin's bodyguard before they entered the now almost crowded bar. James sent them a message, telling them that they are sitting just in front of the stage of the bar.

Zen was on her casual face, walking straight to the table that was reserved for them, oblivious of the stares that's been giving to her by some guys she passed by on their table.
War has been on full alert the moment they step foot inside the bar. The admiration of the guys given straight to his cousin was obvious to him but paid not any attention to it. Then his eyes shifted to the big table at the middle of the bar, most of the guys on that table are wearing varsity jackets, and War was hell of a sure that he saw Joss.

How can he not? That guy was a freaking tall and bulky as a tree.
And that table at the middle has been surrounded by some desperate sluts whose wearing thin and shorts clothes. Obviously trying to seduce any of the jerk on that table.

"Oho! I never thought I'd seen you here, Babe!" Said by a handsome guy standing beside their table.

"P'Tul?" Zen was shocked in front of the guy who only chuckles and open his arms wide for a hug, who she instantly complied.

"Heyy! Get o-- P'Tul?!" War that was walking from the back was also surprised seeing the senior hugging Zen.

Tul just gives a soft chuckles and motion his left hand for War to come forward and give him a hug too, while his left hand is still hugging the not-so-little Jewel anymore.
"The one and only!" And War hurriedly join the hug.

"Ugh! We missed you Phi!" War said looking up to Tul. A soft smile appears on one of his brother's best friend.

"I know you both did." Tul said looking at the two kids he loves like his own siblings.

"Are you here to party as well?" War question.

Tul shook his head and loosen his hug to two not-so-little kids anymore. "I'm too old for the word 'party', don't you think?"

"Oy! What are you talking about Phi? You are just handsome.. No, more than handsome as before!" Zen said. Complimenting one of her brothers handsome bestfriend.

Tul remove some strands of hair that is covering Zen's face. "Thanks!" Then give a soft smile to her. "Why are you so sweet? Far from that barbaric brother of yours."

Zen chuckles knowing so well that P'Tul was talking about her P'Pavel. "P'Pavel might smacked you if he hears you."

Tul, War and his friends who's seated on the couch who heard what Zen said all laughed loudly. Remembering too well how Pavel always running after Max, Tul and War's brother Maxx after teasing the short tempered guy.

"What are you laughing about?" A stern loud voice makes them turn their heads to a big bulky guy who's both hands are resting on his hips.

"P'Max!" War shouts and then jumped on the big guy, making the later almost fall out of balance but manages to stand firmly and then laughed out loud to War's antic.

Despite of Max's scary bulky figure outside, he was one of the warmest people they have ever met. Making the youngest Sutthiluk adore him so much more than his own brother and male cousins.

"Hey, I missed you too.. But you're heavy and I need to give Babe a hug too." Max said but War just tightened his hug more.
War misses P'Max. It's so long since he have seen him, since the guys graduated from college it became busy with work stuffs and all that it rarely comes to their or Zen's house to hang out.

After a few minutes, War let go of his koala hug to Max.
"Babe, long time no see." Max spread his arms out, inviting Zen for a bear hug and the latter simply complied.

Max was swaying Zen slowly inside the hug when Tul says something, "Kids, this is our favorite band resident JWATT.. and War they need a little favor from you."

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