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It is a normal Sunday night in the Saegusa household. Yuka and her younger sister Misha are both facing their laptops while they sit across each other at the small table in Yuka's room. 'How is the writing coming along?' Misha asks looking over to her older sister. 'It is going okay. What about the drawing?' Yuka asks. 'Doubting what colors to make the sunset.' Misha answers. She turns her laptop so her sister can look at the images with her. 'They all look beautiful. The ones with the yellow and pink will be giving of the playful vibe I want that picture to give off.' Yuka says pointing at two pictures. 'They do look good yeah. What about her pose?' Misha asks. 'The one in the left has the mischievous attituded Lina has sometimes.' Yuka says. 'Misha nods. 'I was thinking along these lines too.' She answers. Yuka laughs and looks at the time. 'Well I should be going to bed soon since the guys will expect me to be there around 7 am as usual.' Yuka says. 'You are way to devoted to the volleyball team.' Misha says with a grin. 'You should come and watch one of their matches someday. Kageyama and Hinata their quick attack will blow you away.' Yuka says. 'Look big sis I am not into sports so that won't happen.' The younger sister gets up and takes her laptop and notes with her. 'I will be working out a few more cover designs, make sure to look them over somewhere this week. I want to be able to adjust what you feel is necessary.' Misha says. 'Will do.' Yuka answers. After the sisters wished each other good night Yuka got changed and brushed her teeth. 'Good night dad.' Yuka says sticking her head around the corner of the living room. 'Good night honey.' Her father answers. The girl smiles and heads up to her room. After preparing her jersey and school uniform Yuka turns out the lights and crawls into bed.

'Misha it is 6:30.' Yuka says after knocking on her sister' s door. 'O... kay.' The younger sister answers with a yawn as she wakes up. 'I will be heading out now, your breakfast and lunch are ready and dad left about fifteen minutes ago.' The older sister sums up. 'Thanks as always.' Misha says a little more awake now. Yuka grins and leaves her house and heads towards Karasuno. Yuka is cheerfully humming a song while she is walking down the usual path to her school, the wind playing with her brown hair. 'Good morning Yuka.' A familiar voice says. 'Good morning Chikara.' Yuka smiles at her classmate. The two walk towards the school chatting about their homework and the team's improvement in the past weeks. The two part ways to get changed and after she got ready the brunette enters the gym. 'Good morning!' she says cheerfully. 'Morning Saegusa.' Kageyama says with a nod. The girl grins and walks towards Daichi to ask or she can help out with anything. 'Can you check or all the water bottles are filled?' The captain asks. 'Sure.' Yuka answers with a smile and heads towards the taps. After putting down the water bottles, she soon finds out she has nothing to do at that moment. The girl takes a small notepad and a pen from her pocket and sits down on one of the benches. Yuka is peacefully making some notes of possible story ideas while they boys are starting their morning practice. Yuka hears how one of the balls hits more to her side and without looking up she slams it back to the court. 'I still haven't got a clue how she does that.' The manager chuckles when she hears Tanaka say that. She mostly moves on instinct and a gut feeling. 'Is your story coming along?' The voice of the Karasuno club advisor breaks Yuka her thoughts and she looks up. 'It is still work in progress, but we are getting there.' Yuka answers with a smile. Takeda takes a peek at her notes. 'They are quite detailed.' he mentions. 'That way I can work it out with more ease.' Yuka replies. 'Saegusa, can you toss some balls for us?' Suga yells from the other side of the gym. 'Coming!' the girl yells back. She tucks the notebook and pen back into her pocket and runs over to where Suga and some of the others are waiting for her.

Yuka lets out a tired yawn and looks out of the window, not really paying attention to her lesson. 'The team has a practice match this afternoon and Misha will be heading out with dead so I can stick around until the end of the afternoon.' Yuka sums up the schedule of that day in her head. Class passes by in a normal tempo and soon it is already time for the after-school practice of the team.

Yuka has been helping Yachi with the score during the match. Takeda had to take care of some more work as a teacher so only Ukai and Kiyoko were keeping an eye on the team. The door of the gym opens and Takeda enters. His expression is a mix of seriousness and concern. 'Saegusa, can I speak with you for a second?' he asks. 'Yes of course. Yamaguchi can you take over for me?' the girl asks. Yamaguchi nods and takes Yuka's task from her. Takeda walks out of the gym and the brunette follows him. 'Saegusa, we just got a call from the police. Your sister and dad got caught up in an accident. Your sister is in a critical condition.........your dad didn't make it.' Takeda says. Time seemed to have stopped for a second for Yuka. She lost the people she cares about most.

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