Fukurodani Academy

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Yuka's alarm starts buzzing at the same time as it always did when she was still attending Karasuno. The brunette stretches and after one big yawn she get up. After a quick shower Yuka gets dressed into her new uniform. The black skirt reaches a little above her knees, the white blouse has a nice feeling to it and the jacket is comfortable. The small bow completes it and she has to admit, it looks cute. After making a light lunch and having some breakfast she walks out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. 'Good morning!' Yuka almost drops her schoolbag. Bokuto and Akaashi are standing at the front of the building, casually waiting for Yuka. 'What?' she asks confused. 'We figured it may be reassuring to you if we head to school together. It is only 2 minutes more walking than usual.' Bokuto says. 'Never expected you to be such an early bird.' Akaashi says. 'Habits die hard.' Yuka answers sweat dropping. 'There may be no need to let them die you know.' Akaashi says. 'I am still not sure.' The girl answers knowing what he means. 'It alright Saegusa, just come with us a few times and decide when you feel ready for it.' Bokuto adds. The teen girl gives in. 'Fine, but I may not attend too regularly.' She says. Both the boys understand what she means. 'We get it.' Akaashi says. 'Just know our team isn't so heartless as a part of Karasuno.' Bokuto says wrapping a friendly arm around the girl. Yuka nods and heads towards the station together with the captain and vice-captain of her new school's boys' volleyball team.

Yuka meets up with the two managers of the team and tells them she may be joining, but nothing has been decided for sure yet. The two girls have learned the truth from Bokuto and Akaashi and understand why the new student is doubting or she should join yes or no. 'Just have fun.' Kaori says. Yuka nods and enters the gym along with the two managers and the captain and vice-captain. 'Not to be rude, but what is one of the Karasuno managers doing here, wearing our school's uniform? Like I said I do not mean to be rude to you Saegusa.' Konoha says. 'It is okay.' Yuka says. 'Since you all met Saegusa during the last training weekend when Karasuno joined us it may be confusing to see her here. Simply said, she left Miyagi and Karasuno behind her and moved to Tokyo. Saegusa decided to enroll here and maybe she will become one of our managers.' the coach answers Konoha's question. Some murmurs go through the team. 'Well I may be blunt, but you do look at least a little better. Less sad.' Komi says. A small chuckle breaks free from Yuka. She feels at ease. The team seems to accept her being there without too much trouble. Yuka carefully watches them practice and notices some of the guys make the same mistakes some of her old teammates back at Karasuno did make too. She carefully pointed them out and told them what Ukai had told the boys that made the same mistakes. She partly expected to be told off since she wasn't their official manager. But they took her advice to heart and did actually improve just a little because of it. 'How did you do that?' Akaashi asks. 'I am an observant person from nature. I always looked up when I heard Ukai yell something and could pick up on the mistakes the person he yelled at made, and would listen to the advice he gave so I would be able to point it out to other team members that might make the same mistake. It comes in handy now.' Yuka says smiling a little. The change in attitude now she is at school makes Akaashi worry a little. The past months Yuka had grown more cheerful and upbeat when they met, but now she seems to hide her feelings for the biggest part. As if she is scared to be judged for showing her feelings. 'Saegusa, relax.' Akaashi says calm. 'I am trying to, but it will take some time for me to loosen and open up.' The brunette says. The setter nods slowly. 'Just don't shut them out entirely, when you need them, they will be there.' Akaashi says. Yuka nods. 'I should be heading to the administration to get my schedule.' She says looking at the time. 'Can you find it on your own?' Akaashi asks. 'I will ask Kaori to take me there.' The brown-haired girl says. 'Alright, I will see you in the breaks okay.' Akaashi says. Yuka nods and walks to Kaori. They talk for a second and leave the gym together.

Class is about to start and Yuka finally was done with getting a rundown of the rules. She gets reminded that she may wear her necklace but has to keep it out of sight as good as she can. The brunette agrees and leaves the office. The secretary walked her to her class. 'You will be having a new classmate starting today.' The voice of the homeroom teacher says. Yuka takes a deep breath and enters the classroom. She walks to the front of the class and smiles a little. Her bright brown eyes meet the blue eyes from Akaashi. He gives her a small smile and Yuka relaxes a little. 'I am Saegusa Yuka, it is nice to meet you all.' Yuka says bowing at her new class. 'You can take the empty spot next to Akaashi.' Their homeroom teacher says. Yuka nods and walks to the empty desk next to Akaashi. After sitting down she takes out her books and focusses on the lesson.

During lunch Yuka sits with Akaashi and Bokuto. she prefers to stay at their side since they are trustworthy. Akaashi has noticed Yuka is feeling uncomfortable and can piece it together with the past months. 'You will be fine.' The black-haired boy says reassuringly. Some of the tension leaves Yuka's shoulders. Akaashi is already glad with this small improvement. He is worried she may tense up too much because of the memories from her time back at Karasuno. Bokuto sees how Yuka relaxes after Akaashi's words and he smiles softly. He knows his friend cares deeply for the girl.

After classes end Yuka once again joins the captain and vice-captain on their way to their club. She waits for them to get changed and makes her way to the gym with them. To her surprise the brunette is greeted by the team in a welcoming manner when she enters with Akaashi and Bokuto. 'Good to see you Saegusa.' Komi says. The girl sends him a small but meant smile. The other two managers steal her away from the boys in no time and ask her to help them out with their tasks. Yuka agrees and helps them out. For the first time in a pretty long time Yuka feels like she hasn't lost everything. She still loves being a manager for a volleyball team. She loves the feeling of being a part of the team, no matter what. Practice passes by in a flash and it is visible Yuka is enjoying herself. At the end of practice Akaashi walks towards Yuka and holds a folded white jacket out to her. 'Will you join us?' He asks. For a second doubt crosses her mind. Then Yuka shakes it off. 'Yes, I will join the boys' volleyball club as a manager.' Yuka says. She takes the jacket from Akaashi and puts it on. When the others see her wearing their club jacket, they welcome her warmly and a small part of the wall Yuka had built already crumbles.

A few days passed since Yuka's first day and her joining the club. When she wakes up that morning the girl knows she doesn't have the energy to attend practice, dreams about memories with her sister had woken her up multiple times and she just wanted to sleep some more. She quickly checks the schedule of the trains and concludes she can rest for another hour. The brown-haired girl takes her phone and texts Akaashi. 'I don't have the energy to join this morning's practice.' she sends. 'Take it easy. I will see you in class.' Akaashi replies. Yuka sets her alarm at 6: 45 and relaxes for a while just doing nothing. When her alarm goes off the girl gets up and after a short shower she gets changed and prepares for class. She sits down at the table and enjoys her breakfast. After that she heads out to school.

Akaashi was already waiting for her at the school gate. 'Feeling better?' he asks. the brunette nods. 'Yes, I just needed some more rest.' she says. After fiddling with her bag for a little bit she looks at Akaashi. 'How bad did they react?' the girl asks. The black-haired boy immediately understands what she means and places a hand on her shoulder. 'They were worried you were overworking yourself since you just moved and immediately joined a club.' he says. The tension leaves her. 'Sorry for assuming things.' Yuka mumbles timidly. 'You have all the right to worry, but don't let it get control over everything.' His blue eyes stared deep into the girl's brown eyes as she nods. 'Good, now we should head to class.' He says.

Yuka joins the after-school practice and just as Akaashi said the rest of the team is just worried. 'Are you okay?' Konoha asks. Yuka nods with a smile. 'I am, I just needed some more rest.' she answers honest. 'Don't overdo it.' Komi joins the conversation. 'I won't.' Yuka answers. Bokuto walks towards her and ruffles her hair. The warmth of his hand makes the girl relax a little. After touching the M hanging on her neck underneath her jersey, she feels even calmer. 'I will go fill the water bottles now.' The brunette says as she gets the bidons. 'She is trying not to show she is still having it hard, isn't she?' Bokuto asks Akaashi. 'She is, but if she keeps trying to run away from it she will crash down even harder.' Akaashi answers. Bokuto can only agree with that. When Yuka returns, she places the water bottles on the bench and continues to observe the team's movements.

After practice Yuka, Akaashi and Bokuto head back home together. The atmosphere is comfortable, Bokuto is all pumped up about the great practice they had. His childlike behavior makes the girl feel better and some stress from the dreams slips from her shoulders. 'Goodnight, Akaashi, Bokuto.' Yuka says smiling when they reach her apartment building. 'Just call me Keiji, it is weird that as a friend, classmate and fellow club member you keep calling me by my last name.' Akaashi says. 'Alright, goodnight Keiji.' Yuka says. The black-haired boy gives her one of his rare smiles and then continues his way home with his other friend at his side.

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