opening up

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A month has passed since Yuka moved to Tokyo and enrolled at Fukurodani Academy. She has completely settled into the team and more or less found her rhythm. Even if it all seems to be going so well, she still has dreams about old memories from herself and Misha. Sometimes the peaceful memories even turn into nightmares. For about a week now she has been losing sleep and her appetite has decreased somewhat too. Keiji is starting to worry about her. He is not the only one tough. Bokuto, Kaori and Yukie know she must be struggling with something related to her reasons for moving away from Miyagi. The coach already spoke with Yuka. He was just as worried as the others, even more since he knew her past issues with eating habits and the danger of her harming herself. Yuka assured him she was still eating, just a little less. As for self-harm she showed how her wrists and ankles were clear from any injuries what made him worry a little less. 'I will be here if you want to talk about what is going on.' he said. Yuka thanked him before leaving. Mornings became harder and harder on her. Slowly Yuka started longing for something from her sister again. Everything just seemed so lonely and dark.

The team had felt the changes in Yuka's attitude. There would be hints of sadness in her eyes and her smiles would be less meaningful. This along with Yuka starting to leave earlier at some days made the rest of the team wonder or she was really okay. 'We are handling it.' the vice-captain answers when Wataru asks about Yuka once.  He trusts their vice-captain and drops the issue.

The lack of sleep and unending stream of flashbacks are starting to eat away from the girl more and more. Fatigue and stress have been building up for a week now and Yuka is reaching her limits. The raven-haired boy advices her to call out sick for a few days and for her to rest up properly. Yuka refuses saying she can handle it. The setter decides to not push the issue and just stays at her side to act when she reaches her limit. They walk into their classroom and take their seats. When she places her things on her desk Yuka ends up knocking her pencil case from her desk. She leans to the side and picks it up, she didn't notice her necklace slipped from under her blouse. Until another student called it out that is. 'You are not allowed to wear jewelry, you better take it off before anyone notices. A girl says. 'Because of some personal reasons I was allowed to wear this necklace.' The brunette answers trying to stay calm. 'Listen, I am not allowed to wear my favorite necklace, so why would I let you get away wearing one?' she asks. The girl tries to grab the necklace. Yuka holds the M- shaped charm in her hand while she backs away. 'Stop it.' She says. 'What kind of situation would be so special to allow you to wear a necklace while it is against the rules?' The girl sneers. Keiji pulls Yuka behind him when the other girl tries to grab her necklace again. The brunette shivers, she doesn't want to face all these feelings again. At that moment and phone starts ringing. Yuka's eyes widen when she recognizes the ringtone to be the song Misha always sang or hummed when doing her sister's hair. Memories keep flashing back and forth. Working on stories, making jokes, Misha brushing Yuka's hair, just falling asleep while they both studied for exams. It all came rushing back. And then the memory of Misha's pale and cold body popped up. This along with the sudden threat of Misha's necklace being taken away from her cause Yuka to panic. Her breathing becomes unsteady and the brunette decides she has to get away. Turning on her heels she runs out of the classroom. Yuka knows Keiji follows her just a few steps behind her, he must be worried. The brunette just keeps running, past confused students and scolding teachers. She has to get away from it all. She finds her way to the gym and enters it, thinking she would be alone.

When they hear the door open Komi, Konoha, Bokuto and Washio look up. Their classes had ended earlier because of a sick teacher so they were getting some more practice. When they see their youngest manager gasping for breath while she is hyperventilating with a panicked look on her face, they drop what they were doing and rush over to her. The vice- captain practically slips over the wooden gym floor when he comes running in. 'Get the coach and every team member you can get dragged out of class.' The black- haired boy says. He takes Yuka's hands in his and carefully sets her down on the floor. The four third- years fly out of the gym and run to the school. 'Bokuto what is going on?' Konoha asks. 'I have a vague idea what happened but can't explain yet.' The captain answers. The four off them split up and get their team.

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