Yet another special request! Six! - The musical

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This was requested by Sorrynotsorry29, please follow her, she is another one of my best friends and an amazing writer and jusdge for various competitions! She writes fanfic for Six the musical but might publish something else - who knows? Go follow her and read her books if you are a fan of Six!

*Anne POV*

Life is hard for two women dating. Aralyn is what they call us. Anne Boleyn and Catherine of Aragon. Not only is life hard, but high school especially. Every day we are taunted and bullied, given no credit for ourselves. I want to be recognised. To do something daring. To be called a hero.

On Monday, I came up with the perfect plan. No one even knew we were this devious.

On Tuesday, she stole the gun from a "secret" admirer, Henry.

On Wednesday, we decided to make our move during the following day's assembly.

On Thursday, while the entire school was in the gym, we waited just outside the doors. I was to use the gun on whoever walked out first. Then she would take the gun and go into the gym blasting. I walked up to Mrs Seymour, the guidance counselor and shot her in the face three times. She fell back into the gym, dead. The shots were deafening. We heard screams in the auditorium.

No one could see us yet. I handed her the gun and whispered, "Your turn." Catherine ran into the gym and started firing. I followed a moment after.

She hadn't hit anyone yet. Kids were scrambling and hiding. It was mayhem. I ran up behind her and tackled her. We struggled. I wrenched the gun out of her hands, turned it on her, and killed her. I closed her mouth forever.

On Friday, I was anointed a hero. It was indeed the perfect plan.

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