chapter one

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'UGH!!' Screamed Heather, flinging the envelope from her hand onto the floor, my eyes following it as it whizzed under a couple of chairs.

'This is a work space Heather, we need to be positive' I drawled, stacking chairs on top of each other.

Me and Heather work at the 'Vibe & Shake' milkshake café. It was all retro, a mix of hippy, indie and dipped in crazy 1950's inspired milkshakes. One of the first key requirements of working here was being able to roller skate, something me and Heather are excellent at (if I do say so myself). It is one of our many random hobbies we try to achieve, along with knitting, pottery and magic. Yes, we have taken classes for each one of them. Why? Well, me and Heather have this little tradiation where we attempt a new hobby every couple of months. And 'cause we were bored I guess.

Anyways, back to Heather screaming. It was the end of our shift, and we were getting ready to pack up and leave.

'LOOK!' She screamed, rolling back towards the envelope, bending down to pick it up and then proceeds to hand it to me, holding it with the her fingertips, as if it were contaminated.

It was a frilly pink envelope, with the words YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO OUR WEDDING' in italics. I recognise the names, and see it's her cousin Bridgette's and her fiancé's wedding, and it seems they've had three days of wedding activities pre-planned before the actual wedding. Like, who does that?

'' I said, raising my eyebrow. It was just a wedding

'LOOK CLOSER!' She fumed, shoving it in my face, making me nearly tip backwards in my roller skates with all the force she pushed me with.

I squinted, and then widened my eyes as they landed on 'best man'.

'Alejandro?' I questioned. It registered in my brain. 'OH MY FUCKING GOD ALEJANDRO?!'

'I KNOW!' she yelled back


''CAUSE IT'S ALEJANDRO! MY EX-BOYFRIEND. WHO CHEATED ON ME, COURT. WITH LINDSAY!' she screamed in frustration, stamping her foot on the floor.

Thank fuck that everyone has gone home and that we were last ones here, we would've been fired on the spot otherwise with the hissy-fit Heather was throwing. I sighed.

'We'll think of something Heather' I said, patting her back sympathetically. She looked at me, her eyes filled with tears, then looked back down as she removed her roller skates, her hands trembling.

'Sorry,'s just I can't think of him without the memory of him g...g...going down on her instead of me pops up into my mind...' she gulped, and tears started spilling out of her eyes. I was shocked. Heather never cries. And I mean never. I give her a small hug.

I remove my own roller skates slowly, and put my sneakers on while pondering. 'You don't have to go...' I said, wandering off pathetically. I know Heather. She never backs down. Even form a situation like this.

She gives me a half-glare through her tears. 'Absolutely not. Then he would know I'm not coming just because of him.' She glanced back at the sheet, griping it tightly in her hands, her knuckles going white. 'Only the damn problem is, you're required to bring a partner. Fuck Bridgette and her stupid fucking romantic brain, three days of fucking wedding activities...fucking psycho' Heather mumbled through gritted teeth. Out of no where, her eyes shone bright and she gave me a small smirk.

'So Court, can I have a teeny, tiny favour...?'

I stared at her, eyebrows raised to the roof


Hey everyone, this entire book is dedicated to duncneygoalss for her birthday! Hope you have an amazing day poo-face! Xxx

I will be updating daily unless I'm dead so hehe.

Love youuu Hollyyyy xxxx

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