chapter three

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Oh god, what have I done?

Me and Heather sit in the Uber in an awkward silence. I keep shifting my hands from my lap, to my sides, to fidgeting with my hair. I glance back at her a couple times but her eyes have been trained on her lap for the last half hour. I pull out my phone.



I pull out my phone to see a notification from Courtney.

C: sorry if I made things awkward :/

I smile, biting my lip a little as I look up at her, opening my mouth to speak. She quickly slams her hand on my mouth, motioning to the Uber driver who was looking back at us every now and then. I nod slowly at her, then begin to type back.

H: don't worry, you didn't <3
H: plus we were gonna end up doing it anyways, or else they would get suspicious.

C: yh lol

I frown a bit, remembering something.

H: oh shit.

Courtney turns to me mouthing 'what?'

H: my parents are gonna be there.

C: yes, and?

H: they're gonna think I'm gay

I could feel her tense slightly.

C: what's wrong with being gay?

Shit. I've hit a nerve.

H: nothing, nothing. Just don't want them thinking I might be.

C: so, your saying that if I came out to you as gay you wouldn't want ur parents to see me.

I look up at her surprised. What does she mean? She's not a lesbian is she? Or maybe she's bisexual. No that's not possible, she kissed me as a joke, right? Plus we've been friends for years. She's not facing me but is rapidly typing on her phone instead.

C: 'cause news flash. I'm gay.

My jaw drops. Courtney powers off her phone and faces the car door. I try texting her more messages, even though I knew they weren't gonna come through. I sigh and tap her shoulder, and she roughly removes it.

'Courtney, I swear I didn't mean it that way. I just didn't want my parents to think I'm something I'm not. I don't care if your gay. I don't see you any differently' and I give her a small hug. This time she doesn't push away. Instead she falls into my arms. Letting out a muffled sob.

'Really?' She asks, sniffling.

'Really' I confirm, hugging her tightly. I feel the same weird feeling I felt when she gave me the kiss.

To be honest, I don't think I'm fully straight either.


Ooo Courtney came out to Heather hehe.
Will Heather still deny her true feelings? Find out in the next chapter hehehehe.

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