chapter two

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'Sure...' she replied cautiously, anticipating what was about to come.

I smirked.

'Be my girlfriend' I say, winking. Her eyebrows shoot up, and she blushes furiously. Odd?

'U..uh um Heather..well..I...' she stammers. I laugh at her.

'I mean fake girlfriend dummy' I say, flicking her temple. Her body slumps relief? Sadness? I can't really tell...

'Uh...I mean, well, why?' She asks, regaining her posture, and all earlier thoughts are dismissed.

'Because' I start, and I laugh maniacally 'if he thinks I'm gay he'll totally think I moved on and that I never loved him in the first place' and I rub my hands together.

Okay and maybe I have the tiniest feelings towards Courtney, but it's no big deal.

'That is probably the dumbest logic behind one of your ideas, but, uh okay, I'm in?' Her voice going up like a question at the end.

I slap her back. ' of course you're in, we're bff's' I say confidently.



I was shocked when Heather came up with the idea.

But hey, little does she know that I've had a crush on her for a while.

Oh, who am I kidding? I've been obsessed with her since kindergarten. Her confidence, her devious plots, her looks, her brains, her everything.

And to think I was gonna come out to her? I haven't even come out to my parents yet! I guess I'm just gonna have to go along with this stupid plan. Pretending I'm not head over heels with my best friend. Now, what to pack, what to pack...


I heard a light tap on the door. 'Come in, Court. And like I said, I need Uber fancy-chic for this wedding, how else will I impress...' I stop when she walks in.

She was wearing a short, black strappy dress:

She was wearing a short, black strappy dress:

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And black strappy heels. This wasn't the Courtney I knew. The Courtney I knew did leggings and hoodies and beat up old converses. This Courtney was looking pretty hot.

Wait, hot? What am I thinking. I mean, yes she's hot, but not in like a I think you're hot way. No, I think she's hot but not like I'm attracted to her hot... well I am, but no, ugh, what ever.

'Great' I say nodding approvingly, not trusting my mouth to blurt out anything else. 'Ready to leave?'

She nods slightly, slipping on a small, cropped jacket. I admire my own outfit, a red, long sleeved red jumpsuit with a dash along the middle, paired with black stilettos.

She looks at me smiling

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She looks at me smiling. 'You look amazing too Heather' she claims, rolls her eyes and beckons to me as she leaves the house, already dialling the uber number.

Before we get into the Uber for our hour and a half car journey, Courtney quickly plants a kiss on my mouth. I stood speechless, feeling my bottom lip slowly with my finger.

'W..what was that for' I stammered slightly, heat crawling up my face.

'Well, true girlfriend's kiss...and I just thought we should practice...' she shrugged and slipped into the car like kissing your best friend was the most causal thing in the world.

But you wanna be more than besties, don't you Heather?


Yes, I know it's pretty short but I've been thrown into this weird programme thing by Russel group Unis (Ivy league for Americans)
and I basically have to do a bunch of extra university style works so this is what I could do. I will be updating daily though eee

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