Tiamo's Deal and Kulema's Partner

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The couple is a man and a woman  who are at the edge of a town struggling to make ends mean, The man's name is Hado and the woman is named Ellna and they have been married for a year and they have been cut off by their families after they eloped together. Their families have been making it hard for them to actually get decent work and have them crawling back to them begging for help. Hado doesn't want his love to live in the hell hole they are stuck in but can't even support her. 

Tiamo looks more into their status and sees they both have titles of True Lovers of each other, then he decides to play things to their favor and putting less stress on the two lovers. Tiamo then pops away and then reappears in the Soul Domain and is now flying to Kulemas throne room wanting to request her a favor. Once inside he sees Duo at the door guarding it and sees Tiamo and bows and lets Tiamo in.

Tiamo ( Hello aunt Kulema I have come today with a request.)

Kulema ( Oh how rare to see the little god of love to visit me, and a request at that how different. What can I do for my little nephew with his problem?)

Tiamo ( I need one of your Reapers to slay a soul that is in they way of true love and that is your domain.)

Kulema looks at him and her eyes squint from behind her desk and starts to examine Tiamo some more before getting up and heading over to a couch asking him to follow.)

Kulema ( Your request is a very specific one and one that is espeacially heavy on the topic of death.)

Tiamo ( Yes and that's why I'm asking this as a favor and not a request so its not for nothing.)

Kulema (  I can do you this favor but first ill need you too give me the name of the being you want to pass and when.)

Tiamo ( The being who I need to pass on to the domain is the father of Ellna featherward, he seems to be obstructing his child's true love on the level of finances.)

Kulema ( I can pass him on since he has a heart problem and it would be easily done, but now tell me why you have such interest in such beings.)

Tiamo ( I see a fun story to be told by those two and the future they can have.)

Kulema stares at the boy again and then snaps her hand and then a jury male appears from the wall carrying a sword by their side and then asks her his mission. She tells him the soul to reap and that he must reap it in haste and make it a heart attack. He bows again and fades away to the wall, Kulema looks at Tiamo and then smiles at him and speaks again,

Kulema ( Now my dear nephew I will call in the favor right away if that is good with you.)

Tiamo  ( Of course not how may I be of use to you?)

Kulema ( I would like for you to find me a being to be with but I want you to find them for me and no one else.)

Tiamo ( Oh I can do as you asked since you helped me, but is their any thing special that you want me to find in the being?)

Kulema ( None I just want you to find me a partner that will suit me personally. I care not of their species just as long as they love me.)

Tiamo agrees and says his goodbye to Kulema and then makes his way back to the couple, several days have past in the world and by now the father should have died. He sees the couple getting the news from a friend and Ellna starts crying at the news. Tiamo knows what he has done and feels some type of remorse in his self but does not regret his actions. He watches as these lovers start to grow and get out of the slums they were in.

Tiamo smiles at the couples improvement, starts to fly up and searches over the town for the being Kulema wants him to find for her. He looks and looks and looks but he is not staffed by any of the ones he has seen. Once he broaden his scope he is over a forest and sees a largish monster  slaying some bandits and is unmatched. It then returns to it nest and Tiamo gets closer to the monster and starts to inspect it. 

The monster has large black body that seems like a werewolf but its head is like that of a snakes. It seems to have some sort of intelligence and seems to be very smart compared to the mindless ones. Tiamo eyes widen believing he has found a Unique monster which is very rare to even hear about let alone find. Tiamo then opens it status to see if it had a name and it does its called Doa and he is a classed as Seranr. 

Doa seems to be very controlled and only attacks those who attack him and never attacked those who did not. Tiamo then manifests in front of Doa and then says hello to him scaring him as he turns around and takes a stance. Doa stares at the boy who got past his senses and is now near him and he can't get a read on. Tiamo then blocks his attacks with his hand and staring at Doa who keeps his distance after seeing his attacks deflected.

Tiamo sends a message to Kulema who then appears pout of the ground with grass dying around her.  Kulema walks towards Doa and starts to inspect him and he sense not to move sensing the power difference. She looks him up and down then touches his coat and she likes what she feels. Doa then looks at the female and senses something he likes from her a sense of power and control and he likes it.

She whispers in his ear and he then makes a sharp glint in his eyes and she then turns to Tiamo and winks and smiles. Then below the two a hole opens up and they start to defend into the ground and they are gone. Tiamo then turns back to his couple and they seem better and have moved into a better house and are better off. Tiamo smiles and keeps watch over the two love birds as the slowly become a story mothers will tell their children about true love and how the gods will bless them even after death.

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