Chapter 4

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I just want to, once again, thank you for the support on this I honestly didn't think people would actually want to read my work, but here you guys are! Anyways... on to the chapter!

Inks pov

The word repeated again and again as I packed all my necessity into a bag and slung it onto my shoulder. It's for the best, after all why would Night-
mare want a kid with someone like me?
Taking a shaky breath, I opened the portal to my new home, our new home and stepped through.

Nightmare's pov (finally a change in pov)

Killer and Dust were cuddling, right in my fucking face, it was if they were trying to rub in the fact that I was still single. Stars, I want that so badly... I  want it with Ink... but I haven't seen him since we slept together...
"Are you okay Night?" Error asked wth concern.
"I'm fine Er-"
Dream screamed hysterically as Lust appeared behind him, holding a sobbing Blue in his arms.
"I'm sorry, WHAT?!?!" Cross yelled, jumping up from where was sitting, suddenly everyone in the room was on high alert.
"Don't yell at him, can't you see he's upset?" Error snapped, holding Dream "it's going to be okay Dreamy, we'll find him" he soothed.
"Is this a fucking joke?" I hissed.
"Of course not brot-"
"Shut it Dream!" I shouted angrily. It's all a dream, none of this is real. He can't be missing, he just can't.
I dropped my head in my hands, trying to hide the fact that I was crying, but they managed to notice.
"Are you... crying?" Reaper said in shock drawing everyone's attention to me.
"Brother..." Dream said gently, pulling me out of my chair and into a hug.
"We'll find him, don't worry."

Inks pov

I looked around the newly refurbis-
hed house proudly.
Don't you worry babies, everything will  be fine...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, please give me ideas for baby names 'cuz i'm at a loss of what to call them. The genders are going to be a surprise though, so you'll have to wait for that.
See you in the next chapter guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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