Chapter 7

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Inks pov

Taking a deep breath, I pointedly ignored Nightmare's question, turning and using broomie to open up a portal to our home.
"Dad? How do they know you?" Moonless asked while Stain looked at Nightmare in confusion.
"Dad, why does h-"
"Both of you need to go home now, okay? I'll be there in a minute" I pointed to the portal and the two of them looked at each other nervously.
"Relax, they won't do anything to me, i'll be fine". They both ran forwards and hugged me tightly, when I had finally gotten them off me and through the portal I told Stain to keep the binds on them until I came back then I closed the portal and turned to them.
"Ink, where have you been? We've been worried sick!" Error yelled at me causing me to burst out laughing at his words.
"You're joking, right? Why would you be wor-"
"Because we fucking care godamnit!" Nightmare shouted angrily "We care and you just fucking upped and left us what did you expect, for us to not care?"
I smiled slightly well yeah, I kinda did.
"Whos kids are those?" Cross said
"Cuz they look about 14-ish which means you would've had them around the time you left us"
"Not as dumb as I thought big brother!" I smiled at him, seeing Nightmare's face grow tense out of the corner of my eye. "Looks like all of you had kids as well!"
"Ink, please answer the question" Dream said gently. I ignored him and pulled out broomie, opening up a portal to my house and kids.
"Well, it's been nice seeing you all again but I have to get going! Places to go, people to see. Oh, and" I paused turning and going over to Nightmare, wrapping my arms around his neck "I missed you a lot Nighty, and I truly am sorry" I whispered so that only he could hear, when I pulled away, his expression was pained, like he wanted to hold onto me and not let go.
"Bye!!!" I hollered as I closed the portal, seeing the some of the others make a run for it at the last second.
Turning around, I saw Stain and Moonless standing side by side with their arms folded, obviously wanting answers.
"They're old friends that I haven't seen since before you were born" I explained.
"But why did they attack you then?" Moonless asked, looking confused.
"One, I was covered, meaning they couldn't see my face. Two, they found me in my Doodle Sphere, which is close to me so they became a bit... overprotective, I guess". They both nodded their understanding so I gave them a bit of good news. "Your uncle Gin is coming over tomorrow so behave okay?"
"Uncle Gin's coming over! He hasn't been over in ages!"
"It's been 9 days Stain, that isn-"
"It's still been ages though dad!"
"Really Moon-"
I got cut off again as they continued with their pointless chatter, excited about seeing Gin again. The incident forgotten, I heaved a sigh of relief.

Hi guys! Sorry about the really long wait. I just wanna say that i'll try to upload more frequently, but I won't have a schedule for it so it'll just be when I have time.
See you soon guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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