Supernatural School: Part 3

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The next day at Hyungu's house we look at old articles of the first incident. Quickly we find out that the abandoned building the girl visited is in Gwacheon.
We take the train to the nearest train station and walk a half hour from there until we reach an old empty building. Vines are climbing up the withered walls and the whole building has a creepy vibe to it. It's pretty dark inside, so Dongju uses his moonlight to light up the room. "This building is kind of big. Do we know in which room the girl was seen in last?", Geonhak asks. "Wait I have the article saved on my phone... According to the sister they split up and the kidnapped girl went upstairs.", Hyungu says. We go into a hallway and find the stairs at the end of it. The old wood creaks underneath our feet as we walk up to the second floor. "This house is really kind of creepy. Also is it just me or is the temperature up here colder?", I ask. "It is colder. Maybe the walls up here are more damaged and more air from outside comes in.", Hwanwoong replies. "Or it is a ghost!", Dongju says sarcastically and makes a shocked face. "I do feel like we're not alone though.", I say. "Be careful, there is a hole in the floor.", Dongju warns us. We enter what seems like a bedroom and look around. "Hey, did you see that?", Hyungu suddenly says. "What?", Hwanwoong asks. "There was a shadow behind us in the hallway.", Hyungu states. Geonhak goes back into the hallway and looks around. "Hey Yeosang or ghosts are you there?", he shouts but no one answers. "Nothing there. It was probably just your imagination."
We go to the next room, a small bathroom and search for more clues. Someone wrote "die" onto the mirror but other than that we didn't find anything there. The next room is another bedroom. We search the room thoroughly and after a few minutes Hwanwoong finds something. "Hey, I found a ring!", he exclaims. At the same moment Hyungu leaves the room and stares into the dark corridor. Suddenly I get a weird feeling in my stomach. Then, out of nowhere Hyungu appears next to me. "Guys, we should disappear. I thought I saw a shadow go into the bathroom next door, rewound the time and I was right. A shadow figure was watching us.", he states. "Probably Yeosang making sure we don't find anything or trying to get one of us.", Geonhak says. "Let's go back then before anything happens.", Hwanwoong says. We leave the building and go back to Hyungu's place.
"Seems like someone is keeping an eye on us. I hope the others are safe.", Geonhak worries. "I hope so too. But for now let's take a look at the ring that Hwanwoong found.", Dongju says. Hwanwoong pulls out the ring from his pocket. It is a massive silver ring with an intricate design on it. It shows a dragon that bites into the neck of another dragon.
I quickly do some research and find some interesting information: "I found an article that is about a cult. They were involved in several crimes thaf included kidnapping and murder. Apparently the target were richer families and a few people in the parliament. Their symbol was the same as the one on the ring. But that was 35 years ago and the cult members are all either dead or in jail."
"Well apparently not all of them.", Hwanwoong says. "This reminds me of a story my father told me. Apparently my grandfather was kidnapped once and the police came just in time to save him. I think it was around the time this incident happened. ", Dongju tells.
"If that's the case then you and your brother are probably one of the kidnappers main targets.", Geonhak says. "Then Giwook actually saw Yeosang in your house when we were practicing.", Hyungu says.
All of a sudden Dongju's phone rings. "Hey brother! ... We are at Hyungu's house... See you!" "How are the others doing?", I ask Dongju. "I don't know but on their way here."
After 15 minutes the others arrive at Hyungu's house. All except one. "Where is Harin?", Hwanwoong asks. "Well... how do I start?", Youngjo says. "The school was guarded by some security men but not many so it was fairly easy to sneak into the building. We got on the computer in the principals office, Ravn hacked it, made our list and just as we wanted to leave, a security guard walks in with Jongho behind him. I stun them with my scream, we run past them, Yonghoon covers them a bit in slime so they can't follow us as quickly and try to leave the building. But then Hwasa and five other security guards that are controlled by her, cross our way. Dongmyeong blinds them with sunlight and I stun them with a scream again. We run back where Jongho is waiting for us again, this time in his hulk form, blocking our way completly. Seoho tries to drain his energy while I try to sing to him to make him sleepy, Harin was sending out his paper dolls to bother him, Youngjo send out his raven shadows to look if the hallways behind Jongho were clear and Yonghoon was shooting slime at his eyes to blind him. Jongho was then distracted enough that we could slip through but then in front of the exit, Hwasa and this time eight security guards were waiting for us. There is no way we would have been able to fight them which we also kind of didn't want to, so Harin told us to run to the back door while he takes care of Hwasa and the guards. We escaped through the back door and now we are here.", Keonhee tells vividly. "So they have Harin now?", Hyungu asks in disbelief. "Yeah...", Yonghoon says.
"But we also have a list of possible victims.", Dongmyeong exclaims and tries to lighten the mood a little. "We also found out some stuff. We found a ring and when we were searching for the symbol on it, an article showed up. The kidnapper is part of a cult who kidnapped and murdered people 35 years ago. And Dongjus grandfather was possibly one of the victims.", Geonhak says. "Were the other victims Magicals too?", Youngjo asks. "We don't know. The article was made by a human newspaper. It only says that most of them were rich or part of the parliament.", I explain. "Yeah dad told us that grandad was kidnapped once.", Dongmyeong says. "Doesn't that mean that the kidnapper is possibly after the twins?", Seoho asks. "Yes, and maybe we could use them as a decoy to trap the person who tries to kidnap them which we could then interrogate to find out where we find the person who is behind this.", Hwanwoong says. "I don't know. I mean we are not even 100% sure if he is really after them. I think we should wait until someone tries to kidnap one of the students from our list and trap them.", Youngjo says. "We could try both. We first try the Dongdong trap and if this doesn't work we will do the other method.", Hyungu suggests. "But we should only use one of the twins as bait. They are quite strong together so the kidnapper might get scared.",Yonghoon says. "Who of you wants to get kidnapped?", I ask the twins. They point at each other. "Well I am for Dongju. He always bites me.", Geonhak says. "Me too!", Seoho says. The team decides 6:2 for Dongju. "Why me?", the younger twin whines. "It's because you are always so mean.", Donmyeong teases him. "Shut up!"
We decide to meet up at school early in the morning because the kidnapper might think that we come back to search for Harin. As planned we walk through the corridors and pretend to be searching then Dongju says he has to go to the toilet. He heads towards the bathroom alone.
After a minute we slowly sneak to wards the bathroom. Me, Hwanwoong and Seoho hide in the room left to the bathroom while Dongmyeong, Keonhee and Hyungu wait in the corridor in front if the bathroom and Geonhak, Yonghoon and Youngjo wait in the room on the right side. I get this weird feeling in my stomach again then I hear shouting in the bathroom. The wall  and the chalkboard suddenly look weird as if they are liquid. I get a sudden burst of adrenaline and start scribbling a short melody on a peace of paper that is lying around. A barrier forms in front of the deformed wall just as a shadow figure who has Dongju, who is unconscious, over his shoulder comes out of it. Seoho and Hwanwoong get ready to fight. Yeosang turns back into his normal form and shoots out dark mist from his hand. My barrier starts cracking and disappears. Hwanwoong sprints forward and tries to hit Yeosang with his claws but he dodges it. I try to block his way with chairs that I bring to life with another song but he is also able to dodge them. Seoho has a purple beam directed at Yeosang. It seems to slow Yeosang over time and makes Seoho radiate a red light. The door suddenly opens and I'm blinded by a hot and bright light and the singing of a beautiful voice makes me dizzy for a moment.
Dongmyeong, Keonhee and Hyungu came into the room to help us. Yeosang lets Dongju fall to the ground to cover his ears and squeezes his eyes shut. After the surprise attack he grabs Dongju again and tries to turn into a shadow but in the meantime Seoho has drained so much of his power that he is unable to do so. Seoho is now glowing bright red especially his eyes. He walks towards Yeosang, grabs him by the neck and looks deep into his eyes. "Let him go!", he commands. His usually melodic high voice sounds dark and creepy now. I have never seen him like this. Yeosang is completely hypnotized by him, his eyes also start to glow slightly red, he lets go of Dongju immediately. Hyungu gets Yeosang a chair to sit on while Hwanwoong and Keonhee try to wake up Dongju. "So who sent you here?", Seoho asks. "Rain.", Yeosang replies without hesitation. "Who is Rain and what has he planned?" "He is my master, he is a superior Magical, my mind belongs to him. He is going to become the ruler of all Magicals. He is using strong but easily manipulated targets to build an army to kill our current leaders.", Yeosang explains, sounding almost like a roboter. "Where can we find him?" "In a abandoned factory at the city's edge. The street is Gwanak-ro. You can't defeat him. Once you see him you can't resist him and will join us instead."
"Keonhee I'm done with him. Can you put him to sleep please."
Seoho turns back to normal and Keonhee a sweet melody in Yeosangs ear. The boy soon falls asleep to Keonhees voice. The door opens Geonhak, Yonghoon and Youngjo enter into the room. "Did you get him?", Youngjo asks. "Yes.", a deep voice answers. "Oh Dongju, you're conscious again.", Seoho exclaims. "Has he told you anything?", Geonhak asks. "Yes, a lot actually.", Seoho says. "What are we going to do now?", Dongmyeong asks.
"Shouldn't we go to the police or the secret service now and present them what we found out? It would be way to dangerous if we continued on our own since that would not only require us to fight Rain but also the small army of students he has built." "Yes. That's what I thought too.", Geonhak says. "Me too.", Dongju says. The others nod except Seoho who pouts sadly. "But I was just getting started.", he tells. "You can show off some other time.", Hwanwoong says and pats the taller boys shoulder.

Geonhak lifts Yeosang and we drive to my father's workplace. The secretary looks at us confused. "Hello. How can I help you again?", she asks. "We found one of the missing students and have crucial information on the case.", I explain. She looks at us with scepticism and grabs her phone. "One second please.", she says.
She talks to someone for a few minutes, then sends us to the office of one of my fathers colleagues. A man sits in a black leather chair when we enter. He is around my height and quite muscular. He has big eyes and full lips.
"Hello. I am Mr. Park. I heard that you have one of the missing students and have some information.", he says in a high pitched sweet voice. "Yes. Here is Kang Yeosang.", Geonhak says and throws Yeosang on the free chair in Mr. Parks office. "Oh, okay.", Mr. Park exclaims. "He is asleep for now but he is still under the kidnappers influence, so he is still dangerous.", Keonhee explains. "Good to know. I will take care of him later. What information do you have?" Mr. Park leans forward, pushes back his hair for the fifth time since we entered and smiles at us sweetly while making eye contact with me shortly. For some reason my heartbeat rises immensely and I feel obligated to answer him. "We... eh.. found out that the kidnapper goes by the name Rain and he was part of a cult 35 years ago.", I tell and give him the ring that we found. "Hmm, yeah seems familiar.", the cute agent says. "He wants to rule over all Magicals and he is building an army. His location is an abandoned factory at the city's edge. The street is Gwanak-ro. That's all I know.", I say.
"You really found out a lot. Should I ask how you got to these informations?", Mr Park states. "Better not.", Dongmyeong exclaims.
Mr. Park giggles. "Okay. I won't."
"One thing. When I spoke to Yeosang shortly and he said something a like when you see Rain you will become one of his followers. So you should probably be careful and not look him in the eyes.", Seoho says. "I'm familiar with these kind of mind controllers but still thank you for the information."
Mr. Park stands up and walks towards us. "Thank you for everything boys. You have helped us immensely but your job is done here. Please don't do anything risky. I will prepare everything with my colleagues now. I will contact you if we were able to arrest Rain and found your father.", he says. We thank him and say goodbye.

The next day my mom wakes me up early in the morning. "Giwook, they have arrested the kidnapper and found your father.", she exclaims.
I am so happy that I don't know what to say. "Apparently the kidnapper was the son of a cult member and wanted to follow into their footsteps. He kidnapped the kids to build an army. I am so glad that they got him now. I was so worried that he would take you away from me too.", she expkains.
We drive to my fathers workplace and wait in his office. After an hour of waiting we finally get to see him again. "Daaaad, I missed you.", I shout. My dad smiles brightly at me and my mother and hugs us.
Later that day I get a call from Harin who is also safely at home again.
A few days later our school also opens again and all of the missing students are back. They all say that they can't remember anything that happened after they got kidnapped. We tell everyone how we were investigating the incident and helped the secret service.

Things go back to normal quickly. At least as normal as they can be when you have magic powers.

Authors Note:
After months of having a writers block I am finally back with the last part if this mini story. I feel like it didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to but hopefully it was still fun to read. I am sorry that you had to wait this long but I just needed a break from writing because I had 0 ideas. But with the start of the new I have started to finally get into writing again, so I could end this story.

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