Part 1: First Encounter

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Reader pov:

'Welp guess I'm landing then' I thought realising my wings no longer had the strength to keep me airborne, and running on no food didn't help either.

I tried to glide the best I could and aimed for a small clearing in the forest below me, tucking in my wings and free falling until I was close enough to the ground and then opened them again like a parachute, making a less than graceful landing in the clearing forming a small crater.

It was now early morning and the sun had begun to light up the sky in pinks and oranges allowing me to see a small stream running through the clearing which I slowly limped my way towards since the flight and landing had opened both old and fresh wounds,
I plopped down at the edge of the stream and took a big mouthful of water as well as some unlucky fish that happened to be swimming through. I did this a few times until my thirst was no more and then stepped into the stream to clean my wounds as well as the built up grime from being in that horrible place.
Upon examining myself I saw that I was covered in bruises as well as slash and whip marks with bullet holes and even arrows protruding from my back, I cringed when I noticed a few wooden spears sticking out of my sides although luckily they weren't in to deep so it should be safe to pull them out,

The real issues were the arrows and slashes on my legs and torso which made moving difficult, as well as not having enough energy to heal myself I was also incredibly hungry, having not eaten in days and even when I was fed it was the bare minimum needed to survive so I was very weak.

'Should've eaten that human when I had the chance' WHAT NO Touya saved my life and got me out of that place why would I even think about that? Am I hungrier than i thought? 'I should go hunting' I decided and slowly made my way out of the stream before collapsing due to the pain and exhaustion 'maybe I'll just have a quick nap first' I layed my head down and curled up as much as I could closing my eyes against the bright morning sun.

Bakago's pov:

"I'm telling you it came from this direction!" Dunce face exclaimed whilst pointing ahead of us.

"I still don't get why I have to come with you idiots." I sighed

Kirishima turned and gave me a soft smile "Oh c'mon blasty you can't deny your curious"

I glared back "I'm curious alright, curious of why PIKACHU DRAGGED US OUT OF OUR BED BECAUSE HE 'HEARD A NOISE'"

"But I did hear a noise" stupid face whined only to be met by a glare from me causing Kirishima to step between us as we entered a small clearing.

As we did so his eyes widened in shock, I followed his gaze to a crater that looked like something had crashed there.

"See, I told you I heard something!" Dunce face exclaimed jumping up and down, at that moment we all heard a loud noise that sounded a little like thunder before we realised it was coming from in front of us.

Reader pov:

I slowly stirred awake due to shouting and the sound of movement around me,

"See, I told you I heard something!"

'That came from right next to me' I let out a low growl of annoyance at being woken up and groggily opened my eyes, turning my head to see who disturbed my much needed sleep. I saw three young humans, males I believe one with red spikey hair another with yellow hair that had a black streak and a third with ash blonde that was sticking up in every direction,

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT!¡!" The yellow haired boy screeched falling backwards his eyes wide in fear, pointing a shaky finger in my direction.

'don't you know its rude to point' I growled at the boy as the other two now looked at me, the red head jumped slightly and took a small step back while the blonde just stood his ground and glared at me causing another, much louder and more aggressive, growl to erupt from my throat causing two of the boys to move back more when the third just stood his ground.

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