Part 7: Pizza Delivery

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Reader pov:

'Finally' I thought as the group stood by the train doors waiting for them to open. I was sat on Todoroki's left shoulder, so nobody would accidentally step on me, also he is warm and much more comfortable than Kirishima. I would have chosen broccoli boy's head cos it looks soo fluffy, but the boy seems quite timid and I didn't want to give the poor thing a panic attack. By now I have learnt all the teens names so I no longer have to use strange nicknames to identify them but eh I kinda like the nicknames.

The doors then finally opened and we all made our way onto the platform and out of the train station. I hopped off of Todoroki's shoulder and grew to the size of a dog, the teens began talking about getting disguises whilst I sniffed around the area. I was overwhelmed at first because I haven't been surrounded by this many scents for a while, but after a minute I had began to differentiate them. 'Oh wow peppermint boy actually smells like peppermint' I thought as I took in the scents of everyone in the group, figuring that they might come in handy later.

Suddenly I caught a scent that was all too familiar, the smell of ash and burnt flesh 'Dabi' I thought as a low growl resonated in my throat, making all the teens heads snap in my direction as I stared with narrowed eyes at the street before us.

"Y/n what is it-" The red head was cut off as I leaped into the sky and flew off at frightening speeds, following that familiar scent. I ducked and dived between buildings and streetlamps, tucking my wings in when going through particularly narrow gaps, my dark body almost perfectly blending in with the night sky.

I began to slow down and land on top of a building, not only because the scent was much stronger but also because I picked up two more familiar scents. My suspicions were confirmed when I peeked over the edge of the building I was on and saw a familiar flaming idiot and loud blonde man standing outside of a building, there were other people in strange clothes and some in a kind of uniform.

'Well now I know I'm in the right place' I decided to investigate further since there is no way I'm going to blindly trust these humans to save Katsuki, so I shrunk down to my smallest size I jumped along the rooftops until I was right beside the building, but still out of sight. As I examined the building I realised that one of the top floor windows was slightly ajar, so taking a slight run up I jumped off the building and used my wings and tail to angle myself so that I could grab onto the windowsill. Then used my head to push the window open more and slipped inside the run down building.

The second my feet landed on the floor, the scent of blood and death hit me like a punch in the face 'I don't even want to know what has happened in this place. I'm just here to find Katsuki and get him out.' I immediately began to search around the building listening intently and trying, to the best of my ability, to differentiate any scents.

Suddenly I heard muffled voices coming from below me, and I immediately picked up the pace of my search. I was trying to find the stairs that led to the floor below but after a few minutes decided that they must have been behind one of the numerous locked doors on this floor.

Luckily I managed to find a gap between the floorboards that let me see the room below I immediately noticed Katsuki was restrained in a chair, I counted eight other people in the room, Dabi was obviously one of them and I recognised four others as the magician, the portal dude and the man in a black and white bodysuit who fought Todoroki along with the teenage girl who went through the portal just as I arrived in the clearing.

I took note of the lizard man and the lady? With large lips. I noticed how the blue haired man with a hand on his face seemed to be the one in charge since he was doing most of the talking.
As I was examining the room and formulating a plan I overheard the hand guy telling Dabi to let Katsuki go, causing me to immediately start scratching at the gap hoping to widen it enough to climb through as the bodysuit guy released the restraints, all the while hand man was getting closer to Katsuki.

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