Part 2: Smaller?

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Bakuboi pov:

Its been half an hour and this damned dragon still hasn't let go of me, its like it thinks I'm its pet or something. And WHERE ARE THOSE TWO IDIDOTS it has to have been at least an hour since they left why aren't they back yet?!
I tried to wriggle out of the dragon's grasp and found it much easier than I thought 'probably because they're sleeping now' I reasoned that was until I placed one of my hands against the dragon's scales and found it to be cold too cold 'they need medical attention immediately this is bad'

"OH MY GOD KAT'S BEEN EATEN!!" A familiar voice yelled which, worryingly, didn't wake the sleeping dragon
"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR I'M HERE!" I yelled back clambering out of the dragon's large paws and walking towards the red head who was standing next to an especially tired Aizawa with a large carrier bag in his hands.

Said ravenette sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "problem child can you explain to me why there is a dragon, and why you got so close to it?"
I furrowed my eyebrows in anger "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WE JUST FOUND EM LAYING HERE!" I exclaimed waving my arms around wildly
"You only answered one question." The ravenette retorted
I clicked my tounge and then sauntered over to the bag that was now on the ground, checking its contents before dumping them out right next to the dragon's face, this caused them to stir slightly giving me hope that they have a chance to make it.

'I don't wanna have to do this around those two but I don't think I have a choice' I sighed and, stepping around the pile of meat, placed a hand on the side of the dragon's head and then spoke in the softest voice I could muster; "hey can you open your eyes for me? I've got some food here for you.. you need to eat, ok?"

Back to readers pov:

I feel so cold...
Its so dark

Did I die?
No. If I did I wouldn't still be able to smell food.
Wait food? How is there food?

A warmth on the side of my face started to stir me from my unconscious state as a heard a familiar voice talking to me
"hey- open- eyes for me? -- some food here-- need to eat, ok?" I slowly and groggily opened my eyes seeing a familiar ash blonde with a soft smile on his face "hey there, do you want to try to eat something? You need to get your strength up." I looked at the pile in front of me, completely ignoring the other two males who were staring in bewilderment, whether at my sudden gentle nature or the soft tone of the usually explosive blonde, I'm not sure they themselves know. In front of me there were two whole chickens and about half a dozen steaks, making me purr slightly in glee, I looked to Bakugo for confirmation
"Go ahead this is for you" he reassured gently guiding my head to the food after noticing my hesitation.

I sniffed the pile before sluggishly picking up one of the chickens in mouth and tilting my head back slightly as I swallowed it whole now letting out constant purr like sounds as I continued to eat what was in front of me. In a matter of seconds I had finished, laying my head back down and began to close my eyes again.

That was until I suddenly felt two hands land harshly on my snout between my nostrils causing my e/c eyes to snap open being met with crimson pools.
"HEY, HEY DONT YOU DARE GO TO SLEEP AGAIN JUST KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME, GOT IT YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD!?" I grumbled and rolled my eyes at the nickname but did as he said anyway trying my hardest to stay awake.

It wasn't until I heard a voice that I noticed the tall, tired looking ravenette with his hand on Bakugo's shoulder
"Bakugo I've called recovery girl and am going to go pick her up now, make sure the dragon stays warm and awake and try to get them back to camp if you can." The male said before walking into the forest.

3rd person pov:

"How are we going to get it back to camp?" Kirishima asked walking over the explosive blond who was now petting the dragon's snout.
Bakugo shrugged, then turned to his newfound companion and spoke in the softest voice he could muster,

"Hey, do you think you can try to stand up?" The dragon stared at him for a few seconds then began to move and shift using all of its energy in an attempt to stand. Which eventually proved futile, they managed to make it up for a couple of seconds and even took a step, before falling back to the ground with a loud thud, letting out a pained whimper as tears began to fall from their eyes.

"The only other option would be to somehow carry them but with their size it seems impossible... maybe if they were smaller but-" The blonde spoke with a sorrowful look on his face and tears beginning to prick the corners of his eyes.
"Don't worry we will figure something out, we always do!" The red head comforted the blonde while flashing a toothy grin.

All the while the large creature beside them was thinking..
'Smaller... if I was smaller.. is it safe though? I mean they haven't tried to hurt me yet but that doesn't mean they won't... but at this point what choice do I have if I don't do this its likely that I'll die anyway...
Ok then, I'll trust you, humans."
The dragon squinted its eyes and focused remembering the feeling from so long ago..

This didn't go unnoticed by the two teens beside it though as Bakugo turned to scold the dragon for trying to move again
"STOP TRYING TO STAND YOU'LL HURT YOURSE-" He then stopped and stared wide eyed at the scene before him, large amounts of smoke combined with some sparks of blue electricity were beginning to cover the creature's body, making it look as if a lightning storm was dancing upon its skin, and then something unbelievable happened. The dragon started to slowly get smaller. The two boys could do nothing but stand there in shock as the once massive creature shrunk down to the size of a house cat as the smoke and lightning dissipated.
The dragon then shot them a look as if to say 'is this small enough for ya' before making a high pitched chirping noise in an attempt to snap the teens out of their trance. This only half worked as Bakugo made his way towards the dragon whilst Kirishima continued to gawk in shock.

"You really are something else." Bakugo spoke quietly picking the now small dragon up in his warm arms as it snuggled into his chest, trying to steal as much heat from him as possible, as Bakugo began to walk back to camp

"Hey I forgot to ask.." the blonde spoke as the dragon's scales changed from a grassy green to match the blue of the boys gym uniform. "Do you have a name?" Bakugo asked to which the dragon shook their head.
"Then.. is it alright if I named you?" At this the small creature in his arms nodded, exited at the fact they may finally have a name.

"How about... Scale Face?" Bakugo suggested instantly snapping his shark toothed friend out of his trance sprinting over to Bakugo's side

"YOU CANT CALL THEM SCALE FACE!" He exclaimed sighing at his friends terrible ability to name things
"Fiiiine... then what about y/n." Bakugo responded
"Huh? Why y/n" the red head questioned
"Badass name for a badass dragon" Bakugo stated bluntly holding y/n close as he entered the forest with Kirishima walking beside him.

(1340 words, unedited)

Finally I don't have to keep referring to reader as 'the dragon' it was getting annoying.
Anyways I promised myself that I would try to make this chapters shorter but I guess that went out the window.

As always rate if you enjoyed and feedback is always appreciated

~Axel out x

Also I did update the previous chapters but just to make the pov changes in bold cos I think it looks better.

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