Chapter 1

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My name is Justice Diggory, the sister of Cedric Diggory. I spent 4 years at Ilvermorny because I just wasn't interested in Hogwarts. My father is Amos Diggory he decided to move me into Hogwarts because Ilvermorny was to far from home and it was to much work for me going all the way over there. My father was in hufflepuff so was Cedric. I was the only one in the family with a attitude towards a lot people i disliked. My father enjoyed to brag about Cedric, I mean I don't blame him he is the 'cute brother' and he was really smart and caring not to mention girls from my school always talked about him. My father just talked about my actual personality to people and whenever i would always hear him say 'she is a brat with a good heart' and i would always end up bragging to Cedric about it. But I was just different not from looks but just from personality. My father and brother were sweet and caring besides me i was what they called 'a butt pain' also known as a brat. I had the same colored hair and eyes like Cedric and i had straight hair and they would call me pretty girl and they would always say both me and Cedric got the cute genes and that we even looked like twins.

The day we went to the Diagon Alley Cedric stopped to talk to this boy with a scar and glasses I suppose that was the famous Harry Potter not going to lie he was pretty attractive but I was just standing next to my father in the wand store so I didn't want to make it obvious that I kept on staring at Harry Potter.

"Father" I asked as he was talking to Garrick Ollivander the owner of the famous wand shop 'Ollivanders'. When i said his name he ignored me because he was to busy talking to him it was like they haven't seen each other in years which they haven't but still i needed some attention for my random question i wanted to ask. I wanted to keep my old wand but my father said I needed a new wand because it was mandatory and I was working with new magic at Hogwarts. So i just decided to observe the shop.
"Justice come here" said my father as i walked towards where he was at.
"yes?" i replied as Mr. Garrick Ollivander gave me wands to try to see which one ends up choosing me. After a while of my wand choosing me. I decided to finally ask my father the question I was going to ask him.
"Father where is Cedric" i asked.
"you just can't be away from him for a single minute can't you" my father said as i laughed while walking towards the Eeylops Owl Emporium.
"It's cause he is the cute brother we can't let him get stolen and go to waste and besides I need my brother you know i rely on him a lot" i said as me and my father laughed.
"Stay here and look for a owl. I'm going to look for a new robe for you in the other store okay" father said as i looked up at him.
"Say what now" I replied as he just walked away with no hesitation. If there was one thing I hated the most is staying at a place alone without my father or Cedric. While i was looking around I got to lonely so I decided to look for Cedric. I got out the owl shop and started walking around trying to find Cedric. The Diagon Alley was crowded maybe because tomorrow was the first day of school well for me it was going to be the first day of my 5th year. As i started walking towards the robe shop to make sure my father was still there, I ended up being pushed by a stranger and i fell landing infront of a blondie, he had straight longish blonde hair, and some icey cold eyes that looked like a very light blue/ grayish color.
"Watch where your going bum head" he said as i stood up.
"Leave her alone Malfoy" i heard Cedric say as i dogged him out. I didn't really listen to what the blondie told me I was to busy being angry at Cedric for leaving me.
"Well I see you finally decided to show up" i replied back as Malfoy just pushed me aside so he can keep on walking.
"That's Draco Malfoy. The girl next to him is Pansy Parkinson and those two big guys are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle" said Cedric as I saw my father approaching.
"I can tell they are going to be a pain in the ass" I replied.
"Where is your owl Justice and watch your language" he said as i just turned to look at Cedric.
"I needed help choosing and both of you guys left me alone" I said as they laughed.
"Let's go get it so we can start heading home because you guys need to wake up early" my father said as we started walking towards the owl shop.

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