Chapter 4

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"Oh zip it Pansy. No one likes a girl with a mouth full of bullshit" I said as I took away the apple Draco was eating and bit into it.
"Now if you excuse me I have to use the restroom" I said as i tossed the apple back to Draco as he bit into it and gave me a death glare.
I didn't really had to use the restroom I just had to get up to feel more cool. I walked towards Cedric's table and asked why did his mood change when they announced my house.
       "Nothing bad, I just never thought you would become a Slytherin, I thought you were gonna become a Hufflepuff but don't worry about it now go before they get you in trouble" said Cedric so I decided to go down into the dungeons so I can go into the Slytherin common room. I didn't know what the password was but i bumped into this random boy on the way there. Well i didn't actually bump into him I just heard him saying the password which was 'Pure-Blood'. When he opened the room he turned around and looked at me with a smile. I guess he was going into the boys dormitory while I just sat down in the common room and stared into the fire. I heard people walk in and they started speaking so i decided to just grab a random book i saw next to me and started reading it even tho i did know what it was about. I didn't want them to know I was weird by just sitting there doing nothing.
"The party, we will do it somewhere where the professors won't know about it" said a girl with blonde hair.
"Daphne all the professors are nosey and they will start asking questions once they see people not in their dormitories why don't you wait until the Yule Ball" said the other girl who's name was Millicent.
       "I don't care we need to do this party and the first thing we are going to do is invite Draco" said Daphne as they sat in a couch across from me. When they sat down they looked up at me and they started whispering to each other.
       "Why are you reading a potions book if classes haven't even started until tomorrow?" said Millicent as I turned to the cover.
       "I'm getting prepared" I said as Daphne stood up and got the book from me.
       "This is Draco's book it says his name right there" said Daphne as she pointed to where it said his name. At that moment I knew they would go to snitch.
       "I just found it next to me so i decided to see what it was about" I said. But i really knew Draco would come telling me smack if he found out that i was reading his potions book. Moments later I just see Draco coming into the common room with Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
       "Draco i believe this book belongs to you, the girl everyone calls pretty over there was reading it" said Daphne as she pointed at me.
"What a snitch" i whispered under my breath so they won't hear me.
       "Oh she is hot tho" I heard Blaise say causing Pansy to hit him in the arm.
       "Looks like I got a stalker don't I Justice" said Draco as he got the book from Daphne.
       "You wished" I replied back while standing up and throwing a random piece of paper into the fire.
       "If you like me just tell me no need to hide it and stalk me i mean I got girls crazy over me already" he said as he sat down across from me.
       "You sure do, I mean look at Greengrass over here crushing on you am i wrong Daphne" i said. Draco gave Daphne a quick look and looked at Millicant .
"Is to true Daphne" he said as he turned to look back at me with a mean glare.
"No she doesn't even know what she is talking about" said Daphne as Pansy dogged me out from head to toe.
"Alright whatever" I said. I walked past Blaise. Up to this point I knew everyone's name in Slytherin.
       "She smells good" said Blaise as i walked behind the couch that Draco was sitting on.
       "Shut up Blaise" said Pansy as she sat next to Draco.
       "Let him be Pansy he isn't bad looking himself" i said with another smirk up to this point i had just became into a bad bitch which was a good thing.
       "How sad that Cedric has a little filthy sister related to him" said Draco as all of them laughed.
"You aren't wrong Draco, poor fathers of her's having to deal with a filthy little brat" said Pansy. Every time people bring up my father it gets me mad because I hate it how people always say they feel bad for my father when I know that he is proud for what he has but nooooo everyone has to bring him up which i hate because my father doesn't need to be part of my arguments he is a good guy and he will always be a good guy and of course he would never feel ashamed of me.
       "Oh calm down Draco and Pansy they are both greatful to have me in their family   want to know why. because they know i'm brave enough to beat the shit out of a filthy little blondie like you Draco and a annoying nosey person like you Pansy. and next time you guys argue with me keep my father and brother out of this okay. Have a good night Draco" i said with a wink as i walked away from them and into the girls dorm rooms.

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